Natural remedies for piles or Haemorrhoids

When person experiences that blood is passing from stools, it is a serious medical ailment. It can be caused by many diseases. It is good to seek medical advice. Major cause is haemorrhoids and piles. Piles can be a recurring condition and other than surgery, there is no permanent treatment.

Usually, blood that pass through stool is a condition called Haemorrhoids. It is an aching medical condition that affect millions of people around the globe. Haemorrhoids are swollen veins in the anal canal that makes the patient to suffer extreme uneasiness, pain and itching in the anal region especially when passing a stool.

In severe cases of haemorrhoids, the enflamed varicose veins may lead to bleeding and burning sensation even hours after emptying the bowel.
Blood in stools can be due to problem in esophagus (stomach area), intestinal and anal region. Blood in stools condition is usually called, melena in medical terms.

Esophageal or Upper Gastro Intestinal causes of Melena:

Blood in stools can be commonly present in gastric or duodenal ulcers. In today’s intricate life, people are stressful. This can cause Melena.

Oesophagitis, inflammation of food pipe, also results in bleeding in stools.

Basically, haemorrhoids are grouped in to two categories such as internal haemorrhoids and external haemorrhoids.

Internal Haemorrhoids: Internal Haemorrhoids occurs when swollen varicose veins are found inside the anal canal. Most internal Haemorrhoids cause painless bleeding when the patients pass their stools. Bleeding while passing stools can also be related with a more serious medical disease and it is suggested that patient must see the doctor and take advice before identifying the cause of the bleeding to internal haemorrhoids.

External Haemorrhoids are those inflamed veins that are found outside the anal canal and near the anal opening. External haemorrhoids can be physically felt as bulging lumps near the anal opening.

Symptoms of Haemorrhoids:

Major symptom is painless bleeding while passing stools.

Other symptoms are as under:
-the constant urge to go to the bathroom to pass stools even when the bowel is empty.

-Straining while passing stools accompanied by a feeling of severe burning sensation, itching and anal discomfort.

Home remedies for Haemorrhoids:

-Aloe Vera is natural way to lessen the impact of Haemorrhoids as it has healing and anti-inflammatory properties. Patient suffering from this condition may apply Aloe Vera cream to get instant relief from the itching and burning sensations.

-Another effective natural product is Vinegar. The local application of vinegar near the anal opening on or the haemorrhoids by hand give long term relief from the sore haemorrhoids. Vinegar has intrinsic astringent properties and it helps t reduce the overall size of the haemorrhoids.  Regular application of vinegar on the haemorrhoids lessen the swelling and the size of haemorrhoids and provide relief from pain and burning.
Procedure to apply: Vinegar can be applied by dipping a cotton swab in a bowl of vinegar and applying the same locally on the anal region and the haemorrhoids.

-People suffering from this medical condition must consume Fibrous food. It is proven home remedy to avoid the painful haemorrhoids. High fibrous diet can severely decrease any bleeding related with any kinds of haemorrhoids by softening the stool making the bowel movement strain free.

- Figs seeds stimulate peristaltic movement of the intestines which makes it easier for the movement of stools in the bowels and anal canal region.

- Witch Hazel is also effective home medication for the treatment of haemorrhoids. Witch hazel can be applied locally using a cotton swab near the anal regions and on top of the external haemorrhoids.
- Ice Packs can be applied locally in the affected region for a few times each day for around 10 to 15 minutes. It will definitely give relief from the swelling and burning associated with piles.

Things to avoid the Haemorrhoids:

Patients suffering from Haemorrhoids must take precautions and avoid following things:

-People must not consume spicy food.
-They should not smoke, and it is prohibited to consume alcohol.
-It is better to avoid stressful situations.

In final words, Hemorrhoids, also referred as piles, are swollen and inflamed veins in anus and lower rectum. Hemorrhoids may be due to straining during bowel movements or from the increased pressure on these veins during pregnancy. When person has bleeding during passing stool, he must visit doctor to know the exact causes of illness. 


  1. A lack of water in the body leads to dehydration, which in turn leads to constipation problems, which in turn may trigger hemorrhoids. So water is an essential ingredient in any home remedies for piles programs that are worth your time to follow.


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