Yogic solutions for slipped Disk

Yoga has immense positive impact on human health in today’s convoluted world. It is a science of consciousness. Yoga is an integrated process to develop hidden potential to gain confidence, joy, security and abilities. Along with enhancing the persona, yogic practices also contribute greatly in reducing root causes of several illnesses. Yoga asana are proven methods to maintain good health.

There are numerous Yoga practices for Slipped Disk based on backward bending asanas, pranayama and yogic relaxation poses. The human body has 33 vertebrae, including the 5 that are fused to form the sacrum and 4 that form the tailbone. Disks are the fibrous padding material between 2 vertebrae. It consists of a tough outer layer and a jelly like soft inner layer. The disks act as shock absorbers, when people walk and engage in other movements.

Slipped disk is one of the most common type of back injury and denotes to prolapsed and herniated disc. Slipped disk usually happen due to poor lifestyle and posture defects. People suffer from slip disc when the pads in between the bones of the spine get ruptured.  A slip disc can occur due to the deterioration of the structure of the spine, disease, elderly age, or an excess of pressure put on the spine. In layman’s term, slipped disk is health problem in which a disk in the spinal column becomes displaced from its normal position and put great pressure on the spinal nerves which results in radiating pain. Slipped disk generally develops over a period of time. Sometimes slipped disc occur due to sudden bumpy movements and weak spinal muscles. Problem of Slip disc is severely painful condition. Patients suffering from slip disc exhibit array of symptoms like a tingling sensation, numbness or pain in the feet, legs, buttocks, hands, arms, back, shoulder, or neck.

Yoga Management of Slipped Disk:

Slipped disc problem can be lessened through good yogic management using certain postures which strengthens the spinal muscles and ligaments that hold the spine together. It must be performed under trained Yoga instructor.  It has been observed that if patients of slipped disc constantly practice recommended yogic postures, it will slowly reverse the swelling in the spine and consequently relieve the pain triggered through the disc pinching the spinal nerves.
In such as painful condition causes by slipped disc, yoga practices serve as a wonderful healer. For patients, some good yoga postures for a slip disc are as under:

Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose),
Salabhasana (Locust Pose),
 Makarasana (Crocodile Pose),
Pawanmuktasana (Wind Releasing Pose).

When people adopt wrong posture or bad work habits in their daily life, they may grip under spine problem like slipped disc over a period of time. In such condition, they must practice Yoga asanas with awareness to know their body and avert those bad postures and work habits which lead to avoidable stress and strain on the spine.
 After practicing for some time, the muscles and ligaments will become stronger. Then the other backward bending asanas can be taken up. It is suggested to avoid forward bending asanas as it may exacerbate the condition.

In finishing the strands of yoga in slipped disc, it is well appraised that yoga is a good healing practice to reinstate the pain and trauma caused due to slip discs. Yoga aids to lessen lower back pain by strengthening and stretching the muscles of the lower back, decreasing inflammation and increasing circulation of blood and prana. Yoga researchers have indicated that some yogic exercises help to bring the disc back to its normal position of comfort to the human body.


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