Ayurveda treatment for back pain

In global paradigm shift, people today espouse several treatment option for numerous illness they suffer. One of the great emerging science in medical science is Ayurveda. Ayurvedic medicine is a healing system which promotes health through natural, nontoxic substances and this stream of medical system recognized the pivotal role of the mind and emotions. It adheres to natural beat and cycles to bring harmony to physiology such as diet, herbs, spices, minerals, exercises, meditation, yoga, mental hygiene to eliminate the venomous material from human body. 
Lower back pain is prevalent at global level especially in middle age and intensely impact the majority of the population. Ayurveda science states that the lower back is governed by a subtype of Vata called Apana Vata or ‘downward flowing wind’. Apana Vata is centred in the colon, pelvis and lumbosacral region of the lower back. At this point, Vata has found its natural seat from where it oversees numerous physiological functions, such as movement in the lower back, hips and thighs, and all excretory processes of the body.
Ayurvedic Treatment for low back pain depends on the severity of the pain. Acute Lower Back Pain often subsides within a short time. It can be treated with muscle relaxants or anti-inflammatory drugs. Patients can get relief through applying hot or cold compresses. When people suffer from chronic pain, they need a systematic diagnosis to identify the root cause, so that treatment plan can be decided. Patients with chronic back pain are given treatment with a combination of medications, physical therapy, and lifestyle changes. Physical therapy for chronic low back pain commonly includes regular exercise to enhance fitness and flexibility. In severe conditions, tractions, epidural injections or even surgery maybe suggested by orthopaedics.

In Ayurvedic science, different treatment has been given. It comprises of Medication, Oil applications to relieve back pain if there is muscle related issues. Ayurvedic massages and Therapies are sometimes helpful in severe low back pain for which surgery has been recommended by doctors. These therapies include Podikkizhi (Herbal powder massage), Ilakkaizhi (Herbal leaves massage), kativasthi (Pooling medicated oil in the back), Pizhichil (Pouring medicated oils as a stream), Nhavarakkizhi (Massage with rice boiled in medicated milk) and most importantly Kashaya Vasthi (enema with medicated decoctions) and Ksheeravasthi (Enema with medicated milk). These Ayurvedic therapies are highly responsive and effectual to relieve the symptoms, strengthen the back and prevent back pain in severe cases.

Natural Treatments techniques for Lower Back Pain:
-        Kati Basti is a treatment technique of the lower back in Ayurveda. ‘Kati’ denotes to the lower back and ‘Basti’ means ‘to hold’. In this procedure, flour dough is used to form a well on the lower back and is filled with warm oil. The oil is kept warm by constantly replacing as it cools. The property of the warm oil is to increase blood circulation in the area, relaxing the muscles, releasing pain, improving movement and reducing toughness.
-        Massage and steam therapy is also effective procedure in Aurveda. It is full body massage (Abhyanga) which helps to release tension in the muscles. For massage, medicated herbal oils are used, which are absorbed through the skin to nurture the body. Abhyanga is conventionally followed by steam therapy either localized or of the entire body to soften and relax muscles.

-        Therapeutic Enema: When herbal oil or a decoction (herbal preparation) is inserted into the colon in the form of therapeutic enemas, extra Vata is removed from its main seat in the pelvic area.

-        Herbal Supplements are recommended for reducing Vata in the lower back region. But patients must consult an Ayurvedic doctor before taking herbal supplements.

-        Castor oil has a mild cleansing effect which helps to reduce Vata.

-        Dashamula is herbal combination of ten roots which is suggested by aurvedic doctor for relieving pain. Another famous Ayurvedic herbs, Ashwagandha also act as a nourishing, revitalising and reduces pain in back.

-        Guggulu is also recommended for reducing pain in back. As it has anti-inflammatory properties and extensively used for the joints.

In summing up, Ayurveda is a healing art which focuses on relieving the symptoms with the use of natural herbs and compounds. Ayurveda accentuates in maintaining physical, mental, spiritual wellbeing as a part of good health. Ayurvedic therapists advise dietary and lifestyle changes to evade the causes of the lower back pain.


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