Practicing regular yoga improves teen-age growth

Yoga is a voyage of self-discovery and allow individual the opportunity for smile and fun.  It is well comprehended by yoga scientist’s that in growing mind, there are ample opportunities as compared to expert’s mind. Yoga provides teens a powerful tool with which they can explore their inner and outer worlds. Teenage is a critical period when speedy physical and mental growth occurs. To cope up with this transition period, yoga is better way to make body strong, flexible and develop a good posture. Adolescent who regularly practice yogasanas can develop a positive outlook, enhance self-confidence and gain more physical and mental health.

Major positive aspect of doing yoga at adolescent period is that these practices lessen teens stress as they have huge amount of study load and examination pressure. Yoga practices lessen such stresses through physical release of muscles, developing positive self-image and through learning to work with breath. Yoga breathing helps to lower the blood pressure and decreases stress hormone level in the body.

Several yoga leaders have accentuated that Yoga has potential to improve memory in adolescent period which in turn can help to enhance academic performance.

In teenage, yoga has more value besides physical health. It provides an energy channel and builds muscle and flexibility. During adolescent period, teens undergo myriads of intense challenges such as cope up with exam pressure and conformity to groups. Pupils who regularly practice yogic excesses, may have great ability to think for themselves, release peer pressure and develop knack to take good decisions that positively impact on health, and future career. Regular yoga practitioner at this stage may enhance their academic performance through wise thinking, high concentration, and confident mind. 

Some yoga poses that are ideal at adolescent period are

Ø adasana (Mountain Pose)
Ø Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend)
Ø Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog)
Ø Virabhadrasana (Warrior Pose)
Ø Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)                                
Ø Baddhakonasana (Butterfly Pose)
Ø Navasana (Boat Pose)

It is to generate awareness that headstands, shoulder stands, and the lotus position are dangerous practice at teen age as youths are still in growing and do not have musculature and steadiness to manage such postures in a secured way.

It has been observed that during teenage, academic performance is hampered by unnecessary stress which leads to dangerous consequences at later stage in life. Yoga is characterized by balance, health, harmony, and ecstasy. Meditation, the seventh limb of Ashtanga Yoga is helpful in adjusting in troubled period. By practicing yoga, teens can reach a state of mental equanimity. The discipline of yoga is a dominant stream of knowledge, which empowers the pupils to achieve good physical health, peaceful mind, endures spiritual improvement, and develops the capability for symphonic social life. In city area, yoga practices improves mood, lessens anger, depression, and fatigue, improves stress resilience, and reduces challenging physiological and cognitive patterns of response to stress such as disturbing thoughts, and emotional arousal in pupils.

In teenage, yoga is effective stress management mechanism, mainly for those students who have behavioural problems and withdrawal tendencies in educational institutions. Students who suffer from attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, yoga practices improve task time and attention. Yogic exercises also aid in teen age pupil who are under grip of Down’s syndrome, cerebral palsy, autism, sensory integration disorder and learning difficulties.

In nutshell, yoga is the ultimate mind body practice. It leads pupils toward greater balance and relaxation through integrating physical movement, breath and mindfulness. Yogic practices offers a space away from both social and school forces. This helps teens to sleep better and feel more positive and empowered as they learn to deal with stressful situation and increase awareness of their bodies and minds. Now yoga practices are expanded from Indian homeland to western countries. For adolescents around the globe, yoga is a great choice that emphases on physical and emotional welfare. Yoga helps teens to handle mental turmoil faced due to peer and exam pressure such as anxiety, stress and depression.


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