Implementation of Bootstrap

Bootstrap is a free front-end framework for easy and fast web development. Bootstrap was created by Mark Otto and Jacob Thornton at Twitter. Bootstrap embraces HTML and CSS based design templates for typography, forms, buttons, tables, navigation, modals, and image carousels along with optional JavaScript plugins. Bootstrap enables experts to develop responsive designs effortlessly.

While developing website, web developer use two methods to use Bootstrap which include download Bootstrap from and include Bootstrap from a CDN. The compiled Bootstrap files saves developer’s time because he/she does not need to bother every time including separate files for individual functionality. It will also enhance the performance of website and keeps the valuable bandwidth when developer decides to move site on production because of lesser HTTP request and download size since files are compiled and minified.

Steps to create First Web Page with Bootstrap:

After comprehending the structure and the purposes of Bootstrap files, developer can put Bootstrap into real use.

1. Creating a Basic HTML file: It can be performed by opening up code editor and creating a new HTML file. Start with an empty window and type the following code and save it as "basic.html" on desktop.

2. Make this HTML file a Bootstrap template by including the appropriate Bootstrap CSS and JS files. Developer should include JavaScript files at the bottom of the page before closing of the <body> tag (i.e. </body>) to augment the performance of web pages.

3. Lastly, save the file on desktop as "bootstrap-template.html".

There are numerous merits of using Bootstrap such as it can be conveniently used.  Persons who have fundamental knowledge of HTML and CSS can begin to use Bootstrap. In Bootstrap, there are responsive features. 

Bootstrap's responsive CSS adjusts to phones, tablets, and desktops. Another advantage is the mobile-first approach. In Bootstrap 3, mobile-first styles are part of the core framework. It is browser compatible. Bootstrap is compatible with latest and popular versions of Web browsers that include Google Chrome, Safari, Opera, Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox.

Bootstrap has array of JavaScript components in the form of jQuery plugins. These JavaScript components offers some added user interface elements like alert boxes, tooltips and carousels, and also extend the functionality of some existing interface features like the auto-complete function for the input fields.

In concluding interpretations, Bootstrap is elucidated as a CSS framework used to develop pages quicker. Bootstrap offers several valuable CSS out of the box. Bootstrap can be installed easily and implemented into a web design. Bootstrap can be furthermore modified as it uses CSS3 stylesheet. Bootstrap also offers manifold templates for launching website quickly. These features of Bootstrap magnetize web developers and designers


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