Disruptive innovation is means for business growth of companies

Innovation of any kind is highly supportive and advantageous for business growth of any corporation. Today companies are making revolutionary changes in their business operations and hiring experts who can innovate products to capture global market. Among many innovative techniques, disruptive innovation has special significance.

The phrase disruptive innovation has special meaning in literature. Disruptive innovation denotes to the processes of replacing older technologies with technologies that alter the sequence of development. Disruptive innovation was devised by Clayton M. Christensen (1997), who recognized them as novel technologies that transform the previous course of enterprises’ development.

Disruptive innovation model

Disruptive innovation initially attract customers and require certain value chain  of activities and ways of competing that are only different but which also conflict with existing way of competing. Many researchers and business experts inferred that leading western firms are not willing to introduce disruptive innovation in their market. Because such innovation do not appeal to consumers.

Several business intellectuals squabble that disruptive innovation are rarely seen as opportunities by giant companies. Instead these innovations are observed as major threat because they create new market conditions that cannibalize existing products and undermine the established company’s prevailing competence. Challengers of these thoughts voiced that disruptive innovations emerge as golden opportunities in marketplace. In the view of some experts, disruptive innovations may result in altering business scenario of firms. But they do not often rely on technological revolutions. Actually, many times the technology is quite insignificant. It is the business model, the way a company organizes and acts that drives disruption.

In nutshell, disruptive innovation is a process by which a product or service takes root in simple applications at the bottom of a market and then relentlessly moves up market, ultimately shifting established rivals. It is the starter of novel technologies, products or services that surprisingly shift a conventional technology, product or service.


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