Effective human resource strategy is a synonym of success

Any organization can progress and retain superior status in international market through formulating effective human resource planning. Human Resource Management is a comparatively novel slant to manage personnel in organizational setup to effectively compete in market. Employees are esteemed asset of and resource in this approach. It is concerned with the people aspect in management of an organisation. Since an organisation is cluster of personnel, their attainment, polishing of skills, inspiration for higher levels of accomplishments, are important activities in the domain of HRM. Abundant of literature denotes that human resource management practices contribute to prolifically attracting, developing, motivating, and maintaining a high-performing workforce that result in organizational success.

The process of Human Resource Management comprises of four key activities that include acquisition, development, motivation, and maintenance of human resources.

The prime motive of human resource management is to contribute to the realisation of the organisational goals. Objectives of human resource management can be briefed as under:

-To safeguard effective utilisation of human resources, all other organisational resources will be resourcefully utilised by the human resources.

-To begin and maintain an passable organisational structure of relationship among all the members of an organisation by dividing of organisation tasks into functions, positions and jobs, and by defining clearly the responsibility, accountability, authority for each job and its relation with other jobs in the organisation.

-To create maximum development of human resources within the organisation by offering prospects for advancement to employees through training and education.

-To guarantee respect for human beings by providing various services and welfare facilities to the employees.

-To guarantee understanding of individual/group goals with those of the organisation in such a manner that the employees feel a sense of promise and faithfulness towards it.

-To recognise and satisfy the needs of individuals by providing various financial and non-monetary rewards.

Human resource management assumes the following activities to accomplish organizational objectives:

1. Human Resource Planning, such as determining the number and types of employees necessary for different positions in the organisation.
2. Recruitment, selection and placement of employees.
3. Training and development of employees for their efficient performance and development.
4. Assessment of performance of employees and taking corrective steps such as transfer from one job to another.
5. Inspiration of workers by providing financial spurs and possibilities of promotion.
6. Compensation of employees. The employees must be given appropriate salaries and fringe benefits to live peaceful life and to encourage them to display good performance.

7. Social security and welfare of personnel.

In the human resource management progression, there is a growing emphasis on the individual requirements of the organization and its members. The ability of its human resource management staff determines how effectual contribution of employees to organizational goal. The calming organizational environment is created in which each employee can develop his inner endowment. It has been perceived that different employee behaviours are necessary to execute different strategies. It emphasizes the need of human resource policies systematically linked with organizational strategies.

The role of human resource strategy is powerful in an organization to manage its resources. These strategies support in making plans, developments and programs for change. Major goal of human resource strategy is the development of capability within the organization to give the business a competitive advantage.

Management scholars have stressed that human resource strategy is an outcome, a process or action, a mechanism to attain a preferred objective. Organizations focus on configuration of the Human Resource system with the strategic goals and objectives of the firm to achieve outstanding objectives. Academicians believe the strength and limitation of the organization's human resource strategy can considerably effect on the practicality of its strategic choices. Employees in organizations can contribute a lot to subsist in the competitive market and enhance organizational performance.

Human resource policies assistance managers to safeguard that people management is in line with corporate values. Certainly, human resource policy is valuable in umpiring the extent to which the consistency between the declared philosophy in people management at the strategic level and the day-to-day management of human resources in terms of decisions and activities at operational level is sustained.

Human resource management decisions are made steadily. Managing employees is about decision-making and implementation of human resource intents in the whole spectrum of the terms and conditions of employment Human resource policies offer a reference and guidance for evading inconsistent decision making by substantive managers or those who make decisions in similar matters and thus affecting different employees over time. This builds confidence and trust between managers and staff.

Human resource policies enable decentralisation, delegation and local empowerment. Staffing decision making can be delegated to lower levels of management without the risk of the wrong decisions being taken because the policy will provide guidance on how certain issues or problems on staffing should be handled. The human resource policy document becomes the source of power and authority for those entrusted with the execution of duties affecting employee’s work and wellbeing.

Formulating human resource policies:

In an idyllic situation, it is strappingly suggested that an organisation formulates human resource policies that will shield all human resource management functions. These include:

-recruitment, selection, performance management, training and development, pay, promotion, and redundancies.

-Emphasis is on the creating of policies in all types of organisations in developed countries. The formulation of policies cover aspects of human resource management functions or just a selection of a few areas like training and development depends on a number of factors, including lack of top management’s appreciation of the need for policies and resource constraints such as technical expertise and finance.

-The formulation of human resource policies requires detailed preparation and commitment to provide the necessary motivation for the preparation of the policy document, its implementation and continuous review.

The goal of all firms is to entice adroit employees and match them to jobs for which they are best suited. Human resources employees deal with these tasks, but, increasingly, they also discuss with senior executives regarding strategic planning. There are numerous human resources, training, and labour relations managers and specialists. In a small organization, a human resources generalist may tackle all aspects of human resources work, and thus require a wide range of knowledge. In leading company, the director of human resources may control several departments, each headed by an experienced manager who most likely specializes in one human resources activity, such as employment and placement; compensation, and benefits; training and development; or labour relations. Within a given human resource strategy, the HR functions may be mutually dependent. HRM assists to manage employee’s competence that means recognizing their current competencies as well as the competencies the organization requires. Professional skills and aptitudes, as well as personal skills, can all be tracked and evaluated. These factors affect the performance of an organization through recruiting and hiring employees, orienting and training them. When organizations are aligned with HRM strategies, they get huge support to formulate corporate strategy.

The configuration model proposes that best HRM merges both vertical integration between HR and business strategy, and horizontal integration between individual HR guidelines. Contingency theorists highlight the monetary attraction of aligning HR strategy to the organization’s strategies. Organizational philosophers recommended that there is a need to manage employees in the organization in different ways depending on the period of growth of the organization, the structure of the firm and flexibility. According to business theorists, HR strategy relies on business strategy while change management theorists squabble that the degree of change in the organization determines the HR strategy.

Human resource strategy is established on the basis of difference in organizational form such as size, structure and age, competitive pressures on management and the constancy of labour markets.

In briefing the dialog of human resource strategies, it is appraised that HRM practices greatly impact particular individual abilities through the achievement and development of human capital.  HRM can support organization in assessing employee’s competencies through various activities. Useful recruitment and selection practices of HRM can provide the organization with well-trained applicants. Training and development opportunities contribute to rising human capital. HRM practices can also influence levels of enthusiasm by the use of performance judgments, pay-for-performance incentives, and internal promotions systems based on merit. HRM practices can also focus on the design of work so that highly motivated and skilled employees can use their talent. The practice of human resource management must be observed through the prism of overall strategic goals for the organization instead of a separate shade that takes a unit based or a micro approach.


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