Cracking Glass ceiling to empower women

Women empowerment is key topic of dialogue among social scientists and leaders around the globe. Women are still not permitted to ride at the top in either workplace or any other area in their life due to male dominance society. This is denoted as Glass ceiling.  Glass ceiling is basically an invisible barrier that averts females from accomplishing further objectives concerning their career at the work place. These barriers related to women who cannot reach at pinnacle in the management hierarchy at the work place. Presently, in corporate sector, there are so many invisible obstacles which make turmoil in the life of the women.

Numerous authors have asserted that the glass ceiling is slowly vanishing as women are obtaining higher education, entering the professional job as compared to men. Renowned theorist pronounced that though women have advanced in last few decades but the issue of glass ceiling is still visible. Growing literature have shown that Glass ceiling is the invisible and unofficial obstacles in the corporate world for women, who are capable to hold top ranking jobs but do not obtain senior position due to disparity, irrespective of their education levels, experience and accomplishments. 

In simple term,  glass ceiling is one of compelling representations for scrutinising inequalities between, men and women in the workplace. In recent development in US election, Donald Trump’s success over Hillary Clinton concludes bitter political contest in the country and some visualized as upshot of glass ceiling.

In present scenario, numerous companies have started Flexible Working Arrangements for women by the means of job sharing, flexi-time, telecommunicating to give them relaxation. But it is conferred that women have many domestic responsibilities so that they do not put their caliber on projects at their workplace. In odd circumstances, they have to take bold decision career break which is against their career progression.

Future of eradication of glass ceiling looks bright. More women are working at senior level positions in companies due to mounting demand of specialists in today’s organizational culture. Private sector is expanding rapidly and business organizations are interested to appoint talented people for their business to boom and stay competitive in global business world.

Glass ceiling is highly entrenched in business community and top executives, reformers and other responsible members of society have to widen their outlook to assign high position to female candidates to which they deserve. 


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