Liver cancer: conquering deadly ailment

Liver cancer is uncommon and lethal disease that affects people around the globe. Person is griped under liver problem when normal cells in the liver become abnormal in appearance and behaviour. The cancer cells can then become damaging to adjacent normal tissues, and can spread both to other areas of the liver and to organs outside the liver. 

Know about liver: 

The liver is major and large organ inside the body. It lies under right ribs of human body, just below the right lung. The liver is shaped like a pyramid and is divided into right and left lobes. 


The liver has vital role in the composition and circulation of blood, therefore it impacts all body systems. Major functions of the liver include:

-      Making proteins to help blood clot.

-      Clearing some wastes from the body.

-      Making bile, a yellowish-green fluid needed for digestion and absorption of food and vitamins.

-      Breaking down and storing many of the nutrients that are absorbed from food by the intestines.

-      Storing vitamins, minerals and iron.

-      Purifying blood by breaking down and removing medications and poisons, such as alcohol and nicotine.

-      Making hormones, proteins and enzymes.

According to gastroenterologist, liver cancer is a tumour that primarily forms in the tissue of the liver. There are different types of liver cancer exist according to the type of cancerous cells.

Hepatocellular carcinoma is the most common liver cancer. It accounts for 90% of all liver cancers. Hepatocellular carcinoma begins in hepatocytes, the main cells of the liver.

Statistics showed that Liver cancer cases are more common in men as compared to women.

Major symptoms of liver cancer:

Liver cancer symptoms can be ambiguous and these are silent until the cancer is in progressive stage. Symptoms include:

1.   Unexplained weight loss
2.   Loss of appetite
3.   Jaundice - yellowing of the skin and the whites of the eyes
4.   Skin itching
5.   Nausea and vomiting
6.   Swollen abdomen
7.   Feeling very full after eating
          8. Feeling tired and weak

Causes of liver cancer:
Medical researchers still not found exact causes for developing liver cancer but they explained that it may due to liver damage.
Liver damage occurs if person has cirrhosis, alcohol abuse, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and hepatitis.

Risk factors:

Chronic infection with hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) are key Risk factor for liver cancer. These viruses can spread from person to person through sharing contaminated needles and through unprotected sex.

Diagnosis of liver cancer: Physicians or gastroenterologist recommend surveillance ultrasound of patients in every 6 months in a patient who have cirrhosis. This is the best way to diagnose liver cancer.
When doctor suspect that cancer cells are developing, he recommend further tests that are mentioned below:

-      Blood tests: Patients with liver cancer have high level of alfa-fetoprotein (AFP). A rising level of AFP is doubtful for liver cancer. Other labs tests include des-gamma-carboxy prothrombin, which can be elevated in most patients with liver cancer.

-      Imaging studies: Multiphasic helical CT scan and MRI with contrast of the liver are the chosen imaging to detect the location and extent of blood supply to the cancer. If any imaging study is unconvincing, then an alternative imaging study or follow-up imaging study should be performed for confirmation of liver cancer. 

-      Gastroenterologists also perform liver biopsy to detect liver cancer. Liver biopsy is not required in every case.

Treatment options:

The treatment for liver cancer depends on the spread of the cancer and the overall health of the liver. Sometimes, liver cancer can be treated with surgery to remove the part of liver with cancer.

Another treatment option is liver transplantation. The surgeon replaces the cancerous liver with a healthy liver from another person.

Ablation therapy: In this procedure, doctors induce therapy to kill cancer cells in the liver without any surgery. The doctor can kill cancer cells using heat, laser, or by injecting a special alcohol or acid directly into the cancer. This procedure may be used in palliative care.

Embolization technique is also performed to treat liver cancer. It is the blocking of the blood supply to the cancer. This technique uses a catheter to inject particles or beads that can block blood vessels that feed the cancer. Starving the cancer of the blood supply averts the progression of the cancer. Complications of embolization include fever, abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting.

Radiation therapy is also applied for liver cancer patients. Radiation uses high-energy rays directed to the cancer to kill cancer cells. Complications of radiation therapy are skin irritation near the treatment site, fatigue, nausea, and vomiting.

Chemotherapy is most common treatment procedure for liver cancer. Chemotherapy uses a medicine that kills cancer cells. The medicine can be given by mouth or by injecting it into a vein or artery feeding the liver. People show many side effects from chemotherapy, depending on the medications used and the patient's individual response. Complications of chemotherapy include fatigue, easy bruising, hair loss, nausea and vomiting, swollen legs, diarrhoea, and mouth sores. But these side effects are generally temporary and disappear as person develops healthy liver cells.

Liver transplant is also performed for patients whose liver is severely damaged due to cirrhosis.

Nutrition for liver cancer patient:

Liver cancer patients must take good diet. Some tips are mentioned below:

-      Consume enough calories to correct or prevent weight loss and improve nutrition.

-      They must limit consumption of the sodium in their diet to 2,000 mg (one teaspoon) per day.

-      It is highly recommended to take meals at shot intervals.
-      They must plan diet that includes calories and protein which helps in liver cells regeneration and improves liver function.

It is not restricted to dining out but they must avoid some ill dietary practices such as:

-      Avoid fast food of restaurants.

-      Spicy food must not be taken instead order broiled meat or fish.

-      They can order sauces on the side and use very small amounts.

-      Avoid bacon, cheese and croutons in salad.
Liver patients must Increase the fibre in their diet such as fresh or raw fruits and vegetables, whole grains, prunes, nuts and dates to avoid constipation.

Preventive actions for developing liver cancer:

Liver cancer can be prevented through adopting healthy lifestyle and regular exercise. Early awareness of severity of disease can equip people to avoid these lethal diseases such as cancer in later part of life.

Tobacco smoking has adverse impact on human health therefore it must be stopped.

Physically lethargic, improper diet and obesity are the major factors that hasten the chances of developing liver cancer.

According to health reports, environmental pollution of air, water and soil with carcinogenic chemicals lead to cancers therefore person must avoid living in such places.

When patient is diagnosed with liver cancer he/she is morally down. Many patients experience feelings of anxiety, depression, sadness, stress, and have difficulty sleeping or eating. Families of cancer patients also exhibit myriads of emotions. Major concern of cancer patients are fear of death, interruption of life plans, changes in body image and self-confidence, changes in social role and lifestyle and finally most import is financial and legal issue. People suffering from this lethal ailment must educate themselves and know the sources that can lessen the deadly impact of this disease. In technically savvy world, medical science is advancing minute by minute therefore patients or their family members must not give up and confidently voyage in the path of exploring techniques that can help to cure this disease.

Role of caregiver:

Caregivers have great responsibilities to handle cancer patient. They must perform following duty for good mental and physical health of these patients:

-      Offer support and encouragement
-      Give medications at proper time
-      Help to manage symptoms and side effects
-      Synchronize medical appointments
-      Help in diet planning
-      Helping with household chores
-      Properly handle insurance and billing issue

Liver cancer is assessed as life threatening and it has intense impact on whole family of sufferer in terms of emotional, financial, and moral values. Liver is a sensitive organ and utmost care has to be taken to remain healthy and to avoid any serious consequences in later life. People can avoid deadly liver cancer syndrome through boosting their self-confidence and should be ready to adopt changes in their life.

Important note: This article is penned by Ragini Sinha. Information is fetched from different authentic sources. Writer is not responsible for any disagreement. 


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