How mobile devices cause lethal human diseases

In the era of technical progression, humans frequently use mobile devices to perform their normal and professional tasks. Proliferation of cellular phones has been observed since the past two decades. Mobile phones may be used people as hand-held, hands-free fitted into a car, a hands-free kit that comprises of an earphone and mouthpiece connected to a transmitter worn on the belt.

Though we are modernized and well connected with all global locations with mobile phones in digital age, these devices gripped us to live in intensely challenging environment that has precarious health consequences. One of the lethal health repercussion of constantly using mobile phone is brain cancer. People usually dreadful to hear this disease stage for anyone. But plethora of medical researchers conferred that brain cancer may occur due to mobile phone usage.

There are some major grounds for developing fatal disease brain cancer in humans for excessive use of cell phones:

Ø First devastating impact of Cell phones that leads to cancer is that these devices discharge electromagnetic waves, a form of non-ionizing radiation, from their antennas. Tissues nearest to the antenna can absorb this energy.
Ø With the advent of digital technology, people prefer to use mobile phone therefore mobile users are increasing at speedy rate around the globe. With reference to United States, statistical data revealed that in December 2014, there were more than 327.5 million cell phone subscribers in the United States. This explosive rate may emit more radio waves and may cause brain cancer.
With time, it is observed that the number of cell phone calls per day, the length of each call, and the amount of time people use cell phones have amplified. These trends are cause of worry for propagation of deadly disease like brain cancer.

To elaborate the danger of cell phone usage, it is important to comprehend radioactive energy and lethal consequences. In common term, Radiofrequency energy is a type of electromagnetic radiation. Electromagnetic fields in the radiofrequency range are used for telecommunications applications that consists of cell phones, televisions, and radio transmissions. The human body absorbs energy from devices that release electromagnetic radiation (Non-Ionizing). The dose of the absorbed energy is estimated using a measure called the specific absorption rate (SAR), which is expressed in watts per kilogram of body weight.

It is revealed in plethora of medical researches that constant exposure of users to ionizing radiation, such as from x-rays proliferate the risk of cancer. Other significant studies have scrutinized the possible health effects of non-ionizing radiation from radar, microwave ovens, cell phones but presently, it is not confirmed that non-ionizing radiation cause cancer.

Another health hazard due to mobile phone usage is sleep disorder. Several coherent studies have revealed that excessive mobile phone use was linked with sleep disorders. Prime factors contributed to intervallic sleep pattern are getting waked in midnight due to mobile rings and vibration.
People who regularly use cell phone are vulnerable to heart disease.

One of the dangerous consequences of using cell phone is infertility. Abundant of studies have been conducted to prove the fact which revealed shocking results that mobile phone radiation drops sperm count in male.
Hearing impairment is also a harmful impact of regularly using mobile phones. Numerous Studies have shown that long-term exposure to electromagnetic field from mobile phones causes hearing problems.

Many scientific reports strongly correlate conceivable relationship between exposures to strong radio frequency signals (RF) during mobile phone use and testified harmful effects. People may complaint for health problems like headache, dizziness, nausea, memory loss, mood swings, sleep disorders, fatigue, loss of  concentration, lack of coordination, pain in hands or arms and skin sensations.

It is appraised that electromagnetic waves change electrical activity of the brain and as a result, it causes sleep disorder. They increase the resting blood pressure and decrease the production of melatonin. They are also concerned in DNA strand disruptions. Excessive mobile phones impair key brain cells and could prompt the early inception of many irreversible mental ailment like Alzheimer’s disease. Investigators stated that radiation from mobile phone have potential to injure areas of the brain related with learning, memory and movement.

Other health issues with exposure to microwave radiation include:

§  Reverse cell membrane polarity
§  Cause memory loss and mental confusion
§  Cause headaches and induce extreme fatigue
§  Damages nerves in head
§  Cause blood cells to leak haemoglobin
§  Create joint pain, muscle spasms and tremors
§  Create burning sensation and rash on the skin
§  Induce ringing in the ears, damage sense of smell
§  Precipitate cataracts, retina damage and eye cancer
§  Reduce the number and efficiency of white blood cells
§  Trigger asthma by producing histamine in mast cells
§  increases digestive problems

To encapsulate, mobile phone users are growing rocketing high globally. People find these devices comfortable and technology wonder to communicate with each other and business persons visualized it effectual means to extend their services to clients. Huge exposures to radiofrequency radiation have amplified dramatically in recent years due to extensive use of mobile phones. This has led to potential adverse health effects, particularly lumps of the central nervous system, mental ailments, hearing problems and disturbances in sleep patterns. It is highly recommended by medical professionals that people must limit the use mobile gadgets. When using mobile phones, they must use hand free or put the mobile on speaker. In highly digitalized climate, we cannot evade mobile gadgets as it will disrupt personal as well as corporate functions due to high dependency. But we must have to take preventive measures to consume slow poison through .using these devices which triggers many killer diseases.  


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