Hidden healing truth in Buddhism doctrines: Compelling pillar for impeccable human life

Medial science is still immature to deal with intricate and lethal ailments that causes human ending. But standing on spiritual dais, humans can amass unlimited energies to prevent their bodies from conversion into fossils on earth bed. 

Among glut spiritual dogmas, Buddhism is one of the path that guide people to live healthy life and enthuses them to perform special duties assigned by supreme power.

Buddhism sprouted from Indian womb and showered by Lord Budhha and many popular and unknown monks that gave their altruistic contribution to enhance the life of humans around the globe.

Backdrop of Buddhism creed:

Buddhism is predominant philosophy among all cultures in the world. From the Buddhist standpoint, mind or consciousness is the central to human existence.  Emotions like pleasure and pain, human traits such as good and evil, time and space, life and death are trivial to human apart from their awareness of them or beliefs about them. Buddhism dogmas do not rebuff the veracity of material existence, nor does it disregard the great impact of physical world on human life. Quite the reverse, it repudiates the mind-body contradiction of the Brahmans and states that mind and body are inter-reliant.

The Buddhist ‘Path of Life’ offers medicaments for the physical, mental, ethical and spiritual well-being of each individual and shove them to develop Acumen and have Benevolence towards all forms of life. There are five basic precepts, undertaking the rule of training:

1.   To refrain from killing (especially human life).
2.   To refrain from taking that which is not given.
3.   To refrain from misuse of the senses and sexual transgression.
4.   To refrain from dishonest or using false or harmful speech.
5.   To refrain from taking alcoholic drink or drugs as this fogs the mind.

The Four Noble Truths:

The Buddha's Four Noble Truths are key to his credo. Many appraised these truth as the essence of the Buddha's lessons. The Buddha was enlightened with these four principles during his meditation under the bodhi tree. 

These truths explore human anguish. They may be elaborated below:

Dukkha (the truth of suffering)

Human suffering is factual truth and almost widespread. Suffering has many grounds such as loss, sickness, pain, failure, the transience of pleasure.  It is well elaborated that the first noble truth is dukkha. In Buddha’s teaching it is expounded that human life have the nature of some aspect of suffering. Even they consider themselves as happy for a moment still this happiness is temporary by nature. It entails that human may experience transitory happiness and pleasure in life.

Suffering can be distinguished in three types:

1. Suffering of suffering: This denotes to the most apparent aspects such as pain, fear and mental agony.

2. Suffering of change: It is associated with the problems that brings substantial change such as joy disappears, nothing stays, degeneration and death.

3. Unescapable suffering: It is an intricate aspect of suffering. It can be explained as the fact that People have the potential to suffer or can face challenging situations. Even death is not a solution in Buddhist viewpoint. Human will simply find themselves being reborn in to new body, which will also experience problems.

Samudaya (The truth of the origin of suffering)

Buddha’s teachings explicated that whenever human being experience some pain or suffer, there is some solid cause for suffering. These reasons ultimately emanates from human mind. According to Buddhism, main mental problems or root misunderstandings of humans are attachment, annoyance and ignorance. Because of these misconceptions, people engage in actions that trigger problems to themselves and others. Buddhism philosophy accentuated that whatever negative action (karma) performed by people, they create a potential for negative experiences.

Nirodha (The truth of the cessation of suffering)

In Buddha’s doctrine, this noble truth is related to an end to suffering. Suffering ends with the final emancipation of Nirvana. The mind experiences complete freedom, liberation and non-attachment. It lets go of any desire or passion. This is great and highly positive teaching of Buddhism.  Although suffering is always present in cyclical existence, Human can terminate this cycle of problems and agony and enter in to the stage of Nirvana, which is alleviation of all suffering.

The cognitive justification of this dominant doctrine of Buddha is that suffering and the reasons of suffering are reliant on the state of human mind. If they transform their psyche, they can also eradicate all suffering.

Magga (The truth of the path to the cessation of suffering)

In order to end suffering, people must follow the Eightfold Path. The dharma teaches the Buddhist the way to progress to nirvana. The expedition is accomplished by following the Buddha’s Four Nobel Truths, called Pativedhanana, which means “The wisdom of realization”. If humans avoid wounding all other living beings, if they improve and focus of their mind, and if they gain wisdom, then they can get real happiness, the end of all misery.

The Path is Eightfold and segmented as Right View, Thought, Speech, Actions, Livelihood, Meditation, Effort and Mindfulness.

Core basic principles of Buddhism are the philosophies of rebirth and karma. The Fourth Noble Truth of Buddhism  doctrine are efficacious tactics, a discipline, a way of life designed to free people from grief and improve the nature of human existence. It also includes moral teachings, self-discipline, development of wisdom and understanding, and improvement of one's environment on both at personal and social level.

In medical terms, Budhhism doctrines are equivalent to the process of therapies for healing painful human ailment. The Buddha is often associated with great doctor of medicine. To prove this logic, experts inferred that in the first two Noble Truths, Buddha diagnosed the problem (suffering) and recognized its cause. The third Noble Truth is the apprehension that there is a treatment for diseases. The fourth Noble Truth, in which the Buddha sets out the Eightfold Path, is the medicine, the way to accomplish a release from anguish.

Health wonders of Buddhism doctrines:

The Buddha's wisdoms spawned from India to Asian countries. To the East, these principles illuminated in nations like Japan, China and South East Asia. Buddhism doctrines had left immense impact on the social practices of healthcare in the North countries such as Nepal, Tibet, Mongolia and Russia.

With passage of time, medicinal research progressed remarkably in healing of plentiful critical diseases suffered by humans. Many of the ancient disease like plagues, polio and smallpox have been vanished from human global society and are not threat to erupt in future. Average life of humans is extended due to medical revolutions.  Hitherto medical science has several inadequacies that are menace to human health. People have to pay heavy price in terms of loss of life as treatment is not in the hand of doctors. Lively examples of cancer and AIDS. There is no solid treatment or cure for such patients and they slowly move in death path. Briefly, modern medicine, with its prime focus on human physiology, is mournfully and is not equipped to fight and cure a crowd of devastating syndromes that are either triggered by mental, emotional and spiritual causes.

When science do not offer any cure of intricate health ailments, people either logically or forcefully get diverted to discover natural tactics or spiritual dogmas that aid them to heal their sufferings. Though spectrum of healing techniques are available but one that can logically convinced humans to eradicate their lethal health problems is to espouse the principles of Buddhism.

The Buddhist dogmas of good health accentuate the balanced interaction between the mind and body as well as between life and its environment.  According to Buddha’s philosophies, people fall ill when this subtle equilibrium is saddened. Major intent of Buddhist creed is to restore and toughen this balance.

Today’s major disease concerns are cancer, AIDS or any psychological conditions instigated by the stress and strain from workplace or home.  These ailments are complicated and are increasingly more difficult to treat. Therefore modern medicine also explored ways in other arenas for different treatment tactics to cure such conditions and to help people to lead normal life. Buddhism countless principles and practices are helpful to bring peace and happiness to the mind and health of humans.

For treating chronic illness, Buddhism beliefs do not rebuff the invention of modern medicine and myriads of diagnostic and therapeutic tools at its disposal. Teachings of Buddhism proclaims that they make it possible for an individual not only to create value even in face of the severest danger, including sickness, but to furnace from them an opportunity for personal progression. According to Ronald Siegel, a Buddhist practitioner and a psychologist on the clinical faculty of Harvard Medical School, the practice of mindfulness can assuage suffering and it can reduce the intensity of physical pain sensations. For example, chronic back pain are triggered by muscular tension instead of structural problems in the body. Back pain and other pain disorders instigate from a feedback loop stimulated by anxiety and deleterious feelings that create muscles tension. In such cases, Buddha’s healing power can be highly beneficial to alleviate suffering but the amount of muscle pain itself can be reduced by a change in attitude.

Abundant of researchers and intellectuals explored in Buddhism, a series of mental exercises or meditations intended to discover and cure psychic abnormalities of humans triggered from stress and anxiety. Buddhist meditation deals absolutely with the everyday phenomena of human awareness. In Buddhism principles, the decisive goals of meditation are realization of Nibbana and the elimination of dukkha or suffering. Nibbana is beyond the monarchy of conceptualization and all other forms of normal human experience. Meditation is a tranquil technique to heal numerous physical and mental suffering. By practicing this process, individuals deeply connect personally with themselves and through prayers and admiration. They attain purification, or cleansing of their emotional, physical, spiritual and mental parts. People who continually practice, they attain Physical and mental cleansing. It may release their worries and disturbed thoughts of their surroundings. The spiritual cleansing offers a linking to the spirit while emotional cleansing is a unification of all the above. The process of these cleansings brings person to a calmer and more grounded state.

Buddhism philosophy sternly emphasize on personal responsibility and enthusiasm. These guidelines are training principles instead of commandments. Each individual must be given liberty to take his or her own decisions.

Diet has vital role in healing complex mental or physical disorders. Many Buddhists are vegetarian or fruitarian as they respect other emotional beings. Some followers absorbed the belief for eating only one main meal a day. This is generally eaten before midday. But these instructions were not forced as Buddha asked his monks to eat whatever they get.

Gist of Buddhism doctrine is that Buddha’s teaching relays the message to humans to end sufferings. The Buddha imparted that humans suffer countless physical and mental problems because they continually strive after things that do not give lasting glee. As a human, all frantically try to hold on to things such as friends, health, material things that do not last, and this causes distress.

Buddhism doctrines are pervasive and entrenched in the life of human living any region of this planet.  As a human, we all have some kind of suffering and there is always a cause of these agony. Buddha tried to explore this hidden truth in his mediating state beneath Bodhi tree and enlightened with spiritual solution of all anguish. He preached his pupils in such a wonderful way that it resolved all human sufferings and humans who comprehended and chased his teaching achieved pinnacle of pleasure. In human life cycle, Buddha’s teaching and healing philosophies worked as magical medicine which made human life pleasurable and impeccable.  In present scenario, Buddhism beliefs are espoused by majority of global people not only for spiritual reasons but to heal their woe and breathe as healthy person.
Important: This article is based on available information. Writer is not responsible for any disagreement


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