Poisonous plants severely impact human health

It is highlighted in innumerable medical researches that some plants contain toxic chemical substances which human consumes with their meals. Regular use of these toxic plants can cause many life threatening diseases. People must be aware about toxicity which can be severe or persistent and there are individual differences in tolerating poison. Other factors such as age, genetics, sex, diet, physiological state, or the health status also affect when toxic substance is consumed by a person.

The quantity of toxic substances in plants can fluctuate with time due to budding season or as a consequence of environmental aspects such as famine. For instance, a toxic concentration of nitrate is usually high during drought that prevents the normal growth of many plants.

It is observed that Solanum agrarium plant have toxin impact on humans which can induce cytogenetic damage. Another toxic plant, the genus Euphorbia generates caustic lattices that cause serious health conditions in humans. If person comes in direct contact with this plant, there may be blindness. Other toxic plants categorized by scientists include   E. balsamifera, E. hyssopifolia, E. heterophylla that have harmful effect on humans. There are hazardous consequences of eating of a poisonous plants. People may complain for gastrointestinal trouble such as nausea, vomiting. Tung nut is grown all over the world. If the ripe nuts of this plant are eaten by people, it can cause abdominal pain and diarrhoea.

Another popular plant, the Marijuana, identified as psychoactive plant has adverse effect on health of humans if consumed frequently. Some health issues related to consumption of marijuana are mutilation of thinking and memory, reduced balance, lowering blood pressure, high risk of chronic cough and respiratory problems.

To wrap the facts, it is well recognized that plants contain colossal quantity of chemicals that can be beneficial as well as harmful for human health. Toxic plants may weaken human organs and sometimes severely detriment that cannot be reversed. 


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