Failure serves as reinforcement for steep success

Some times failure may be the major basis of great success.
Our life is governed by triumph or failure in task we perform to achieve prior set goal. One and all make extreme efforts but sometimes get disenchantment due to denial and collapse on professional or family front. Some may loose their sanity and fell into great dejection due to blockade of many motives. It is a hard truth that success or failure depends on many situational, personal or environmental factor.

If we do not happen as expected in some mission, it is not the closing stages of our prospect. May be its God’s desire! Our elders always counsel us when we fail to spot one opportunity; some other great opportunities are waiting a head. We all have instinctive great talent in particular field. It is just a matter of realizing one’s own power and capabilities and execute the same in real life situation to live victorious life. Refutation may work as a reinforcing energy, which pushes us towards positive upcoming and achievable ambition.

Repeated failures result in many mental disorders and many of us visit psychologist or psychiatrist. Professionals are just facilitators. They can understand, provide solution on the basis of our expression and projection of problem but we have to perform excessive exercise and scrutinize the series of events or incidents that caused failure in the past. Thorough review of our previous experiences and work habits prepare rock-hard ground for huge achievement. And that is the major objective of our living.


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