Necessity of Vitamin B12 for human health

Vitamin B12 also called Cobalamin is a vital nutrient for human to become healthy as it is involved with a lot of important processes in the human body. Food is the main source for this nutrient, with supplements being the secondary source for some people. Vitamin B12 is structurally most complex of all the vitamins known to man. Vitamin B12 is essential to normal energy metabolism in all cells of the body as well as amino acid and fatty acid metabolism. Furthermore, B12 is very important in numerous other vital physiological processes such as brain function and nervous system health, myelin sheath health, blood formation, bone marrow health, and DNA synthesis/regulation.

Medical reports indicated that a slight deficiency of vitamin B-12 can result in diseases like anaemia, fatigue, mania, and depression, whereas a long term insufficiency can cause permanent damage to the brain and central nervous system. Vitamin B12 can only be manufactured by bacteria and can only be found naturally in animal products, however, synthetic forms are extensively available and added to many foods like cereals. Vitamin B12 can be consumed in large doses because excess is excreted by the body or stored in the liver for use when supplies are scarce. Stores of B12 can last for up to a year.

Symptoms of Vitamin B12 Deficiency:
Low Sperm Count and Libido
Weakness and Anemia

If the deficiency remains for long time, the patient may have the following neurological signs and symptoms:

Tingling or numbness of the fingers
Tingling or numbness of the toes
General muscle weakness
Difficulty walking properly (staggering)
Tender calves.

A blood test is the best way to test for vitamin B12 deficiency.

Food rich in Vitamin B12 are as under:

- Beef liver: 3 oz: 18 mcg (over 100% DV)
- Lamb: 3 oz: 2.07 mcg
- Salmon: 3 oz: 1.1 mcg

Vegetarian food Sources of Vitamin B12:

- Cheese: The amount of vitamin B12 in cheese depends on type and variety.

- Whey Powder: Whey powder is a common addition to breads and smoothies, 100 grams will provide 2.5 μg of vitamin B12 or 42% of the DV.

- Milk and Yogurt:

-Fortified Foods: Vegetarians have a choice to consume Fortified Foods with vitamin B12 such as breakfast cereals, soy milk and yeast extracts.

Vitamin B12 enhances health in following way:

Protect Against Heart Disease - Sufficient levels of vitamins B12, B6, and B9 have been shown to lower levels of a protein in the blood: homocysteine. Lower levels of homocysteine improve endothelial function, which in turn may boost cardiovascular health and decrease risk of heart attacks.

Protect and Repair DNA to Reduce Cancer Risk and Slow Aging: Absorption of vitamin b12 and Folate (B9) is important for DNA metabolism and maintenance which helps to prevent cancer and slow aging.6 Read full blog post here...
Protect against Dementia and Cognitive Decline:  Lack of vitamin B12 increases homocysteine levels, which decreases the body’s ability to metabolize neurotransmitters. Numerous observational studies suggest increased homocysteine levels increase the incidence of Alzheimer's disease and dementia and low levels of vitamin B12 has been related with cognitive deterioration.

Alzheimer's Protection: Many medical studies have revealed that a deficiency in Vitamin B12 and Folate (B9) can increase the risk of Alzheimer's disease.

Energy and Endurance: A lack of vitamin B12 will lead to anaemia and weakness. Sufficient levels of vitamin B12 are needed to maintain normal energy levels.

In sum, the benefits of vitamin B12 are as under:

-Boosting energy
-Reducing depression
-Decrease sugar cravings
-Lowering cholesterol and blood pressure
-Protects against cancer
-Reduces neurological and brain degeneration

To wrap up, there are many health benefits of Vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 is consumed by the human body to maintain normal brain function and to generate both red blood cells and DNA. Many Health professionals recommend that adults consume at least 2.4 mcg of vitamin B12 each day.


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