Bird’s messaging system

The communication system of birds is very strong. They put a vast influence on living creature. Bird’s unique communication system put them in the category of stunning creature on wonderful natural world. 

Birds attract humans and other creature from their intelligent and well-planned actions. They always engage in purposeful mission. Their hard working spirit and dedication to protect their family from any hazards is distinctive to living creature on earth. These pretty birds have systematic communication system in their family as well as with other living beings in their environs.

When birds plan to build their nests, they first take survey around that particular area. If they find the place is safe and secure, then they try to convey secret messages to members living there. They proceed in an intellectual way through communicating their emotions to others that they are going to stay and to be a part of commune. 

Many birds create typical sound and make a code that they are coming. When they leave their nest in the morning they create different sound. The member living near to their nest, soon understand their signals and communication. They create fearful sound repeatedly and fly around their nest continuously to let others know that they are in danger. 

When a neighboring member invites it to chat using their own language, they first analyze whether it is dangerous to visit or not. After the confirmation of full security, they reciprocate with great enthusiasm and show fun. 

Most bird song is heard only in the spring and summer. Songs are generally longer vocalizations and often include a variety of notes in a sequence. The song is used mostly by males to allure a mate and also to establish and defend territory. The song can indicate to another bird, “This is my area. Stay out.” Birds with the most accomplished songs are most likely to attract mates. Young birds even practice songs before they reach breeding age, refining their notes and phrases with often funny results.

Bird also have sense of danger and make alarm call. When a bird has identified danger, such as a predator or intruder on the landscape, it sometimes voices an alarm call. This is the type of bird sound that can tell us when and where there is an animal hidden in the landscape. These calls are often short and can be louder and/or higher in pitch than companion calls.

Bird’s nature is very kind and they never hurt or harm others until there is threat to their lives. We learn a lot from them and make our life smooth.

Important: This article is an expression of writer . Any resemblance is just a coincidence. Writer is not responsible 


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