Generate awareness for lethal Hepatitis G virus

It is a blood born disease. Hepatitis G virus) is a recently described flavivirus which frequently leads to chronic viremia in humans. Although GBV-C is related with acute posttransfusion hepatitis, it is not clear if the virus is pathogenic for humans.

Scientists are still exploring dreaded Hepatitis G virus. The Hepatitis G virus was discovered somewhat in recent times. It is called hepatitis GB virus.

When people are affected with this virus, it does not show any symptoms and does not cause serious liver complications. Acute HGV infection has usually been mild and brief. Sometimes HGV can cause severe liver damage resulting in liver failure.

The method of detecting HGV is a DNA test. There is no precise treatment for any form of acute hepatitis. Patients should be recommended for bed rest, avoid alcohol, and have a balanced diet.

Studies indicated that Hepatitis G impedes with the progression of HIV. Mostly people are infected with this virus by blood transfusion. People with hepatitis A, B, or C can be co infected with hepatitis G. Since at the present, there is no vaccination available for hepatitis G. Patients with haemophilia and kidney disease are at risk of hepatitis G. An infected mother can transmit the virus to her newborn infant. Sexual transmission also is one of the possibilities.

 Risk factors: 

-Transfusion and organ transplant recipient 

- Injection drug users 

- Hemodialysis patients 

- Men who have sex with men 

Statistical reports revealed that HGV has been reported in adults and children throughout the world and is found in about 1.5% of blood donors in the United States.

Infection has been reported in 10% to 20% of adults with chronic HBV or HCV infection, indicating that co-infection is a common occurrence

 It has been observed that patients with hepatitis G may continue to carry the virus in their blood for many years. People must take precaution to avoid this disease. They should not share needles, syringes, or other equipment. Everyone must be careful. Do not transfuse contaminated blood. These are the ways by which we can lead normal life.

 Important note: Above article is created on the basis of environmental inputs. Topic elaboration and ideas are expressions of the writer. Any resemblance is just a coincidence. Writer is not responsible for any disagreement.


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