Mahatma Gandhi never employed violent schemes for justice

Gandhi was a great personality on the earth bed.
ji was known as among the people of India as father of the nation or Bapu. The
greatness of this man became visible through his wide thinking and nonviolence
approach to protest against crimes. Gandhi ji was greatly impressed by lessons
of Jesus and followed it all his life. Gandhi ji was Hindu from origin, always
considered people of world as his brothers and endeavored to spread this
message among his countrymen.
Gandhi’s has immense reputation as the Indian spiritual and political leader
who harmonized and led a successful national struggle for independence against
British imperial rule on the principle of a non-violent movement survives
largely intact.
returned to India from South Africa in 1915, took control of and profoundly
transformed the Indian nationalist movement, and led three great popular
movements that eventually wore down the British government and led to Indian
contribution of Gandhi is unforgettable. He changed the concept of peace and
non-violence. It can be conferred that he has reformed these concepts and
practically demonstrated its use on a massive scale. Although, Gandhi has not
used terms such as conflict resolution, conflict transformation, he is
acknowledged as one of the precursors of conflict resolution techniques.
ji had contributed in such a great manner to overcome social problems for their
country that it is invaluable. Gandhi ji adopted the approach of nonviolent
resistance, peaceful spirit in achieving Indian independence. It worked as a
most practical method to solve intricate problems. , Gandhi ji was a leading
figure in Indian politics. He transformed the Indian National Congress. World
populace honors such a great man for his effectual approaches, kind heartedness
and major contribution to work for mankind.
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