Threat of Space debris to global people


Tagline: Space Junk clutching the planet


Technical innovation is marvelous and undergoing at great pace to surprise humans on earth as well as in space. Space technology provides hi-tech means for people that help in development of every aspect of culture to nurture, foster economy, education and medical services to enhance the life of global people. Though these magnificent modernizations offer great avenues and facilities to people but it poses severe hazards which may have negative ramification.  Space debris are perilous outcome of human actions.


Space debris, also named as space junk, is waste artificial material of numerous launched vehicles and satellites orbiting the earth. It threatens the space stations or space vehicles and astronauts because there are chances of colliding while conducting missile test, space satellites or space crafts. Space debris is harmful to all space jets or satellites in the form of gigantic size discarded rocket or minutes particles.


Uprising effect of space debris is cataclysmic. Such huge space debris are floating in space and pose intense jeopardy to crewed and uncrewed rocket flight and satellites which are responsible for modern communication, trade, GPS and security systems. Space debris can devastate these systems which have treacherous impacts on business and human activities. Space debris for example can disrupt the function of navigation satellite which has significant role in navigating the path of vehicles, coordinate airlines route synchronize important business sectors like trade, banking system, and mobile communication.

Additionally, there is solid ground of accumulating the space debris circling earth. Sweeping growth of private businesses in exploring space science, advancement of anti-satellite military technologies hoards the space junks.

Space agencies are alert on this grave issue of space debris build-up and initiated protective measures to alleviate junk envisaging future threat to human. The major step is to burn fuel in rocket stage to make it inactive.


Closing comments:

Space exploration, massive missile tests, heavy movement of space aircraft and ships created space fog in the form of space debris. Bulks of man-made objects are left in planet space that ranges from inactive satellites to inoperative vehicles which are polluting space environment. There is immense risk of space junk to fall on earth and can destroy infrastructure, and thrash human life. It is major calamitous situation for future generation. Space debris is grim and unescapable global concern which must be attended by scientists, researchers and environmentalists.


Important note: Above article is composed through scanning environmental information and analysis of writer. Writer is not responsible for any disagreement. 



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