Introspection of Universal basic income: Retaining uniform society


Tagline: Empower society through Universal basic income

Global economy is witnessing sweeping transformation in this millennium with cutthroat technical innovations which triggered innumerable upsides such as digitalization and some burning challenges in society in terms of snowballing financial crux in civilization. It is highly blown issue among financial advisers and experts in various countries to curb such damaging problem in society, and they reconnoiter for the notion of universal basic income.

Implementation of Universal basic income is very effective initiative to grapple multiple societal issues such as job scarcity, and an effective tool considered as strong mechanism to eradicate poverty in social structure of any country.

Basically, Universal basic income is a financial transfer policy to assist poor communities of country. Under this policy, all inhabitants are granted financial aid set by government. This income plan is executed at national, regional, or local level.

Universal basic income policy is intended to support poor section of society in given country which in turn will reduce poverty. Such government tactics augment the financial status of people in the country. This policy is implemented to evenly distribute financial package in the era of economic hardship or any outbreak of pandemic for wellbeing of habitants.

Attractive features are visible in adopting universal basic income scheme. UBI scheme is developed to reallocate financial aid to people to live in equal financial status and enhancing better health of community. Parallelly, pitfalls cannot be ignored. Free money allocated to people may discourage them for work. Serious repercussions of UBI are massive increase in unemployment and due to lack of interest in work of people some important jobs may remain vacant. This will lead to decrement in progression of country. Many experts squabble that UBI scheme is not very effective in addressing fundamental issues associated with poverty, dearth in skill or avenues for jobs in country.

Universal Basic Income is not obligatory but government bodies may consider providing basic rights of income to satisfy fundamental requirement for living to inhabitants.

Four strong pillars of UBI include universality, periodicity which means payment is done at regular intervals, individuality, and no conditionality for cash transfer.


The universal basic income plan is novel concept and it is not espoused by any country in the world. It is well recognized that UBI is very impressive in lessening snags of society like unemployment, poverty, discrimination in compensation to workers. If countries adopt UBI, it has power to transmute society at massive scale.


Forwarding dialogue:

Universal basic income is robust government scheme to sanction sum of money to citizens of given country to build uniformity in terms of financial status. Universal basic income has great objective to combat serious societal issues such as poverty, equal financial status of inhabitants and reduce job scarcity. UBI will be effective when authorities profoundly scan the fiscal condition of country and people’s attitude towards work including dedication and utilization of their skillset. Under efficacious scheme, funds must be allotted to jobless persons so that their cognitive abilities and hardworking zeal is preserved.


Important note: Above article is created on the basis of experience and environmental inputs. Topic analysis is an expression of writer. Writer is not responsible for any disagreement. 


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