Spotlight on emerging realm of cyberpsychology: How virtual technology affects human behavior


Tagline: Blending impact of digital media and human behavior

Cyberpsychology recently gained attention of psychologists and is considered as a new arena of applied psychology. In the shed of cyberpsychology, psychologists and technologists minutely appraise the impact of online and virtual technology on human behavior and the way it is transformed. The Internet and social media  primarily focus on conducting research in the domain of Cyberpsychology.

Cyberpsychologists are interested in scrutinizing the range of themes associated with social media that include video game and Internet addiction, social media anxiety, augmented reality, and personality syndromes. Technology is booming in the present scenario and it is positively or negatively impacting the human mind. The role of cyberpsychologists is also to examine the effect of technological progression on mental rehabilitation. They profoundly explore the benefits of therapy for the treatment of depressive symptoms and other mental disorders. Best example of undesirable impact of digital technology on human behavior is addiction to online games. When we gauge harmful effects, there are many cases which can be cited. People using digital technology or social media excessively may be sluggish in their actions. It may hamper children's social skills, relationships, health, and ability to focus on a subject. Such downsides develop negative attitudes in children such as socially awkward, reserved, shy, or fear in social circumstances. Cyber psychologists conduct research to spotlight these changes in people and advise early intervention to develop a healthy persona. 

Cyber psychologists are thoroughly exploring positive aspects of online platforms in transforming human thoughts and values. It is well recognized that digital media and several social networking sites created wonders in the life of people who feel isolated. Online digital technologies provide a superb platform to extend healthy relations with people around the globe, offer great opportunities to exchange information and knowledge for mutual benefits.

Keystones of cyberpsychology are to study the way people intermingle in society through technical gadgets, developing novel technology according to needs and preferences of people, and observing the outcomes of cutthroat technology on behavior and attitudes of people. 

With reference to Cyberpsychology, nudging can be found useful to bring positive outcomes in behavioral patterns. Nudging is an effective behavioral science approach which influences the decision of people by offering many choices that result in desired outcome and avert negative consequences. Best example is cyberbullying. In nudging technique, people are motivated to assess the consequences of action and make strong decisions that can positively affect their personality. Basically, nudging technique promotes positive thinking in digital media and thwart downside results in the arena of cyber psychology.

Another study in the field of cyberpsychology is Microblogging, a noteworthy and intricate theme. It is a kind of instant messages, videos or photos shared in social media sites like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn to influence millions of users.

The analysis of romantic relationships is also magnetized to cyber psychologists. With the digital revolution, romantic relationships have changed considerably. It is clearly visible in society. Presently, using social media and dating apps, users have instant access to love partners, know their habits, choices etc. Cyber psychologists thoroughly investigate negative behavior outcomes of such relationships such as users may get involved in ghosting emotional abandonment because in digital platforms, anyone can disconnect relations without any conflict. It has also been observed in social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, users exhibit misleading or manipulative behavior for example creating fake profiles to deceive a person on another screen.

In today’s society, what people do is mostly connected to technology, which has created a shift in human behavior. Cyberpsychology is a vital stream to investigate the human interaction pattern and major shift in behavior caused by use of technical gadgets.



Relevance of cyber psychology is immensely established with the initiation of various digital technology platforms in which users interact with each other. Critical objective of cyberpsychology is to bring in notice about the transformed human behavior and thought process that interact in digital media. Cyberpsychology is a growing field of psychology which studies how social media and technical innovations change the psychological state of people and how these changes are beneficial for them to cope up in a convoluted world.


Important note: Above article is created on the basis of environmental inputs. Topic elaboration and ideas are the expressions of the writer. Any resemblance is just a coincidence. Writer is not responsible for any disagreement.



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