Tears are effect of intense reaction of specific situation

Tagline: Emotional tears are Omnipresent in response to extreme emotions

Tears are common form of reflecting our emotive behavior. Emotional tears rise from strong feelings we experience in dissimilar situations such as empathy, agony, and attachment.  Emotional tears are helpful for mental and physical health.  

We can easily perceive numerous examples of emotional tears. When cricketer won sensational one day cricket match, they jump with full of joy and releasing emotional tears. 

Emotional tears comprised of high level of protein-based stress hormones as compared to basal and reflex tears. These tears are natural pain-relieving agents and serve as a therapeutic tonic to lessen health issues.

Emotional tears are beneficial for humans in surprising ways. Emotional tears produced due to emotions may detox human body, clean irritants or dust of eyes and protect from eye infection. Another positive effect of emotional tears is enhancing mood of people when they are in distress. Basically, emotional tears relieve grief, discomfort and increases immunity. 

In extreme happiness, people shed with emotional tears. In a lively instance, mother produced emotional tears immensely, when her daughter gave birth to a baby after suffering from intense labor pain and after normal delivery, she got instant relief. Mother hugged her daughter and her emotional tears were like heavy raining.

Though emotional tears can leave some marks of physical deterioration to face like swelled eyes or soreness in skin but upsides override drawbacks of crying.

Emotional tears also convey to others that person is undergoing some danger or threat and he/she really needs support. Emotional tears are an effectual coping strategy for array of health syndromes. If a person suppresses emotional tears as a result of numerous emotive responses like frustration, unhappiness, sudden elation, it may become harmful to his/her mental health.



Bottom line:

Human eyes release emotional tears to control emotions triggered from any sad or elated experience. When people feel gloomy, body explores ways to relieve pain from negative emotions and emotional tears flow automatically which heals both mind and body.


Important note:  Above article is created on the basis of experience and environmental inputs. Topic explanation and information are expression of writer and any resemblance is coincidence. Writer is not responsible for any disagreement. 



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