Genre horror: Horrific dream of childhood shadowed by paranormal entity: Real happening

 Tagline: Dreadful dreams corrode brain plug momentary

Dream is a natural wonder of human life. While in dreaming stage or awaking just after dream, people may undergo wide range of emotional states such as they may feel frightened, nervous, irritated, or gloomy. Dreams are repercussion of irregular sleep habits and stressful mental state.

Dreams and paranormal concept are uttered by ancient prophet and exorcist. Since human existence, horror dreams embedded in paranormal entities are experienced by people that created mental uproar and destabilized living. Such dreams are so penetrating that people could not forget in their whole life.

Real occurrence of horror dreams surfaced by paranormal figures is elaborated here. At the age of 7, a girl belongs to upper middle-class family lived happily with her parents and siblings. She was bright student, obedient daughter and highly sentimental in nature. During her summer vacation, when she was sleeping alone, at mid night, she suddenly shouted with horrifying sound. Her parents rushed to her room and her mother hugged her, asked what happened baby. She was screaming and feeling intense fear. Her mother again asked, have you seen any dreadful dream. She said yes and again started crying loudly. She was not in normal mental state. Therefore, her parents were just trying to calm her. After sometime, she was able to talk and elaborated her dream which was really appalling, and engrossed with the elements of paranormal field. She started narrating that she was playing in backyard of her house with pink doll, red color telephone toy and some plastic building blocks. Unexpectedly, somebody knocked from backyard door. As she was alone at that moment, she thought gardener might be there so she opened the door and saw here and there but no one was there. She was wondering that land surrounding with her house was full of heavily grown wild grasses and cactus plants. She just walked towards right side of kitchen garden and saw huge image of some animal. Then she frightfully rushed to servant room which was adjacent to backyard door and sat on floor. She was constantly taking deep breath and feeling anxious. Somehow, she managed to develop some courage to see weird animal and looked up from window. There was dreadful bison.  When bison noticed that somebody is observing, it started taking speedy round of her house on wild grasses. Suddenly girl felt that she was again in backyard near her toy box. Meanwhile, she was listening bison’s heavy and frightful footsteps that made her more awful. After taking five rounds, Bison, broke the backyard door and entered into backyard. Girl was in collapsing stage. In a fraction of second, one shadow like image attacked on Bison and covered head with heavy cloth. More horrendous scene was seeing cross section of neck from top without head of bison and there was a ring around the neck and four ghost heads or looked like dead heads of human attached to ring was floating. It was so outrageous scene of dream and girl opened her eyes with extreme fear.

Such dreadful dreams are stored as episodic memory and it impacts on psyche of people at later stage. Many interpreters relate above dream with devil entity which assaulted the girl but she was shielded by some powerful supernatural force.


Dreams may be joyful but at times, these may distort people and can disturb current state. Some dreams are very strange, terrifying and merged with paranormal strands that even psychologists cannot provide logical answers of experiencing such visualization.  Orthodox ideologies relate these dreams with the appearance of evil spirit. These dreams plagued people’s brain with whole night agony and shake their personality in such an extent that it takes time to become normal.   

Important note: Above article is a real experience of girl penned by writer. Other content is solely the creation of writer. Any resemblance with occurrence is just a coincidence. Writer is not responsible for any disagreement.


  1. Very few people experience such things. Nice write up

  2. wow nani what an interesting dream.
    You are the best at writing articles

    regards-Aavish Govindaswamy


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