Brain computer interface: Connecting brain to external device

Tagline: Wonders of smart brain in technical era

In high paced technical ambit, numerous technological innovations are developed to benefit global people. To assist people in their agony and for smooth function in life, Brain computer interface (BCI) systems has made distinct place. BCI is a rapidly evolving technology that includes both hardware and software communication systems. BCI establishes great communication between the human brain and external devices like computers or robots. Its major role is to align brain signals with external devices to augment the lifestyle of humans. Fundamentally, the Brain computer interface enables users to converse through external devices using brain indicators that reveal actions or aims of the user.

Key components of a Brain Computer Interface include signal acquisition, preprocessing (digitization), feature extraction, classification (using translation algorithm) and signal output (in the form of device commands).

Brain-computer interface technology powerfully enables the link between the brain and external machines. This system operates in various steps that include amassing brain signals, quantifying and giving commands to a linked device.

Main technique used to quantify brain activity for BCI is electrical signals that are sensed through placing electrodes on the surface of the scalp. This is commonly known as Electroencephalography (EEG). Brain-computer interface system offers a unique output channel for brain gestures to interconnect external devices of the normal output pathways of peripheral nerves and muscles. Electrophysiological signals are recorded over the scalp, under the scalp, or within the brain. In real time, a brain signal is interpreted into output commands that reveal the intent of the user.


There are myriads of applications of BCI technology for the betterment of human life.  Main benefit of the Brain computer interface is to aid physically challenged persons such as paralytic patients. Brain computer interface technology can be useful to people grip under severe motor disabilities. Important medical applications can be acknowledged that include cochlear implants for the deaf and deep brain stimulation for Parkinson’s disease.  Brain interface detects brain signals of users and converts these indications to commands for the control of various functions such as a robotic limb, computer cursor or functional electrical stimulation device. Another application of Brain computer interface to restore lost sensory activities with external devices through brain gates (sensors are implanted in the brain to monitor brain activities) such as speaking or moving. Brain computer interface may reinstate to control the paralyzed body parts through stimulating nerves or muscles.

It can be established that the Brain computer interface system has other splendid applications in array of fields that can be helpful for human beings. BCI closely monitors attention in long-distance drivers like aircraft pilots that can send out alerts and warnings for aircraft pilots if there is some unexpected situation. Brain computer interface has power to guide or control robots which operate in challenging circumstances such as underwater. Brain computer interface is useful for giving valuable feedback for therapeutic methods in treating ailments. Brain computer interface also creates some devices to observe certain drug impact on humans if it is used for longer duration.  Brain computer interface system is a supportive system to assess the psychological condition of a person.


There are several positive sides of the brain computer interface. BCI is a gifted technology for blind people. Through BCI, visual images can be transmitted to the brain of a blind person to allow them to see. In a similar vein, BCI communicates auditory information to the mind of a deaf person so that they can hear sound. Gamers can control the video games with their brain using BCI. Brain-Computer Interface magnificently transforms the life of people who are undergoing various severe mental and physical snags.

Every technology has some downsides. Major drawback of Brain Computer Interface is that the brain has limitations of transmitting signals to Electrodes outside of the skull. Electrodes placed inside the skull may leave scars in the brain. BCI technology is still in its embryonic stage and faces some ethical issues to practically allow practice for humans.



Central dogmas of Brain-Computer Interface procedures wonderfully act to change human living. Brain Computer Interface is a media to intermingle with external mechanisms through brain signals. It can be accomplished by placing electrodes in the skull of the brain to encode the intent of users. Brain activities are measured by Electroencephalography (EEG). Brain computer interface has immense therapeutic advantages to make human life pleasurable. This technological system can help a paralytic person to be active through activating brain signals with external devices, rigorous monitoring the route of pilots to alert for any foreseen situation, and assist gamers to control the game. Wrapping technical strands of Brain computer interface, it can be said that BCI is the future of hassle-free human endurance.


Important note: Above article is created on the basis of environmental inputs. Topic elaboration and ideas are expressions of the writer. Any resemblance is just a coincidence. Writer is not responsible for any disagreement.  



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