Modernity is a reflection of change


Tagline: Revamping thoughts to intertwine modern society


Modernity and change in social structure are interweaved pearls for healthy populace. Premodern society has set of social dogma and norms which are drastically transforming as an outcome of refining mindset of conventional people. Such notable changes are mirrored in modern society.

Modern thoughts are closely related to comprehensive changes occurred in social, economic and cultural arena of society. With severe mayhem experienced by societal folks due to traditional ideologies, people embraced innovative tactics and made revolutionary transformations in moral values to build strong culture. Modernity retains society customs and rituals but rebuffing orthodox beliefs to enhance the living of people.

In aggressively developing country, India, there are numerous examples which can be mentioned. In ancient time, there was a cruel ritual of sati pratha, practiced in various parts of India. In Hindu tradition, a widow was set on fire of her deceased husband's funeral sometimes willingly and other times forcibly. Such orthodox ritual was performed by traditional folks to protect females from invaders or characterless people surround in society. But renowned social reformer, “Raja Ram Mohan Roy” from “Bengal, India” severely opposed this barbaric social evil and fought rigorously in Hindu society because he witnessed her sister-in-law who was burnt alive on funeral pyre of her husband. It was heart throbbing incident for him and pushed him to take daring step to abolish this vicious social practice. He was a vociferous crusader against Sati Pratha and presented facts through writing articles and squabbled that Sati pratha was not cited in Vedic literature. He requested” East India Company” to ban this disheartening ritual that threatens the existence of women in India. Such transformed mindset of Raja Ram Mohan Roy brought great revolution in Hindu social structure in terms of banning Sati pratha in Hindu society. Consequently, other prevalent menacing rituals like polygamy, child marriage and female infanticide were also banned. Changing the orthodox attitude of people definitely perceived as modern civilization.

At the inception stage, societal sweeping changes were not accepted by people because to chase modernity, they have to reform rules and norms of society. Gradually, people changed their life philosophies to step up towards modernity and entered into modern society.

In real life story in North India, Families of one ethnic group performed some religious traditions to offer holy prayer to “Chitragupt God”. But only males were allowed to perform such prayer. One scientist of such group was not convinced with this religious canon and he brought modification. He allowed her daughters also to perform the special puja (Prayer) to “Chitragupt God” which is once a year on festival occasion. Such changes resulted in developing modern culture and daughters also realized their significance in life. Ultimately, healthy society is developed through stopping the discrimination against females.

A visible change occurred in society through widening knowledge base, augmenting abilities and changing their behaviors pattern in society which form the modern culture and positively shedding populace from unforeseen hazards.

Alterations in behavior to brushoff orthodox ritual in Hindu marriage ceremony were adopted by a couple in North India and it was considered as daring step to stop discrimination between son and daughter. Since teen age, female of couple was against girl’s persecution as she heard countless incidents of females were being discriminated and tortured in the society. She prayed to God to have a girl child so that she can groom her daughter as a strong and independent persona to set an example that females are not feeble. Fortunately her husband was also against gender discrimination so they both groomed their daughters as child and not on typical girl orthodox belief.

 In Hindu marriage, there is tradition called “KanyaDaan” in which ‘Kanya’ means ‘daughter’ and ‘Daan’ means ‘donate’. This means parents of girl have to donate their daughter to bridegroom. Furthermore, it is a process of handing over their daughter to bridegroom to take care of further responsibilities of their daughter. In Vedas, the notion of “kanyadaan” is not mentioned (According to available sources).

Couple did not perform “KanyaDaan” in marriages of their daughters on the logic that both son and daughters are equal to us not only as thinking but genetically also. Daughters are also reciprocating with the feeling that our parents are not separate from us and they are still part of family with same responsibility as other family members. Now law also provides equal rights to boy and girl in legal, financial and social matters in most of the democratic countries.

Change is healing tonic for communities plagued by orthodox dogmas. Smart cities are developed through ground-breaking changes. People are using advance agricultural equipment such as drone to yield crops. Such transitions are perceptible because farmers took revolutionary steps to switch from traditional techniques to modern technology for harvesting and to increase agricultural products.

People are crossing the regional and national boundaries for trade, career and explore their capabilities. Such drastic thought processes are spurred to develop genius brains for expansion in society and technical innovation. These audacious changes are greatly supportive to develop modern culture.

Another efficacious changes can be visualized around the globe is narrowing glass ceiling in workplace. Giant tech companies are recruiting more talented female to rock in business world. Such transformation in development of talented workforce is really a great move towards modernity.

In today’s global culture, scientists, social researchers and technical experts have scanned wide spectrum transformation in terms of high standard education for suitable scholars, great facilities for technical enhancement and alterations in other sectors like aviation, telecom, human resource, and agriculture which are responsible for modernization in rural as well urban territories. 

Key message through above article:

We are breathing in highly convoluted environment in which modernization is powerful move to become wealthier and live in balanced society. People must alter their mental configuration to provide sparkling and solid base for their offspring in developing modern culture. Eradicating orthodox ideologies will help people to exploit opportunity to gain knowledge, get high status in society, to become wealthy, espouse modern lifestyle, and form own ideologies for personal enhancement.  

Final thought:

Modernity is marvelous replication of myriads of changes and outlook of people in society. Folks from traditional society must show willingness to transform their orthodox mores. It leads to an innovative and healthy society. Changing attitude in improving education, developing soothing work culture, honoring prowess of women is resounded as modernity.


Important note: Above article is created on the basis of individual thoughts, experiences, and environmental inputs. Recommendations, real stories and ideas are expression of writer. Writer is not responsible for any disagreement. 



  1. Very beautifully explained. Loved reading the article :)


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