Why raids on Latecomers

Tagline: Time blindness entrenched in the brain of latecomers 

Latecomer is an undesirable strand with respect to corporate functioning and considered as a shady practice in family management. It is usually observed in social setting that latecomers are easy going persons and spend more energy to become cheerful. In human society, there are individuals who do not want to breathe in tough disciplined environment and happy to live in free style to relax their mind and body. In profession, they do not get burdened heavily. As a result, stress is not bothersome during work session for latecomers.

Psychological aspects of latecomers can be linked to Impulsivity, inattentiveness, and time blindness. Stragglers may refine their brain through deep understanding of punctuality and its positive outcomes. Abundant scientific exposition discloses the surprising string about people who are latecomers either in corporate meeting or academic sessions. These typical personae have positive viewpoint on life and are more hopeful. Latecomers do not disapprove their living style and consider dark side of personality instead they naturally accept the habits to become jovial and embrace positivity from surroundings. In the words of matured and highly adroit software testing professional, latecomers have wide horizon of thinking and good decision-making power because they get room to reconnoiter the multiple options for an erupted issue. Sometimes it is perceived that latecomers experience less mental snag such as nervousness or worry in corporate or personal setting as they do not engross excessively in any matter and designed their living in comfortable zone.

 In a lively scenario, a business executive frequently attended the office late due to some personal reasons. But his professional knack always compensated his late coming habit.  He took time to prepare presentation and often pushed other team members to wait for business discussion. His presentations were excellent though late coming habit irked top management but company gained monetary benefits and augment brand recognition. These are less frequent events otherwise latecomers are not admirable in social situations.


Latecomers are at risky zone:

Different stories are revealed with latecomers and create a controversary. Latecomers are at greater risk of mental illness, and undergo stress if it is a routine habit.  Latecomers are more accident prone. In order to justify their position, sometimes latecomers drive rashly and there are chances of lethal road accident. The negative side of becoming late in academic and professional setting is the possibility of losing golden opportunities in life. Latecomers can not instantly offer solutions to sudden and critical business dilemmas as they do not have plan B to cope up in disastrous situation.  

Late coming in any situation is envisaged as deficit in personality and it can be manageable though learning social skills, holding responsibilities, and transforming lifestyle.

Gist of above argumentative theme:

Latecomers are not socially accepted and leave an unfavorable impact on society. Upsides may be the pleasing persona of latecomers. But latecomers lag behind to avail numerous facilities and exploit their talent in corporate world.


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