Cyber forensics is key safeguard process to investigate data breach in companies

Cyber world is severely scuffling from persistent cyber threats that grimly impact the businesses of giant companies.  In the era of digitalization, cyber-attacks can be curbed through effective initiative from cyber experts. To protect valuable and sensitive data, cyber forensics serve as a decisive role to fail the mission of cyber fraudsters.


Cyber forensics is a process of identification, collection, analysis and presentation of digital evidence to investigate the cyber-attacks. Main purpose of Digital Forensics in progressive companies and startups is to investigate emerging issues related to digital operations, data breaches and cyber-attacks. In case of data breach, digital forensic experts perform thorough examination of the source of the breach, kind of data stolen, and the employees or agencies involved in data manipulation.


A cyber forensic professional enquires deeply the different sources responsible for data breach such as physical devices, network logs, databases, and cloud services. In case of data hacking or loss, cyber forensic experts put their endeavor to restore deleted data and dig out sensitive information through the dark web.

With systematic investigation, cyber forensics identify the contamination, manipulation of sensitive data of a company and maintain data integrity.  Cyber forensic experts are well trained to analyze data breach incidents occurring in companies and if severe cyber damage occurs, they adopt modern forensic techniques to expose the cyber criminals responsible for data breach annihilation. Cyber forensic unmasks the specific actions of users in digital operations of a company, provides information logs and meta data facts, information content used in companies such as audio, video and text files and technical techniques adopted on digital platforms.

To extract sensitive information about cyber-attacks in companies and prepare final evidence reports, cyber experts work in different stages. These stages are Identification that is to determine which evidence is required for the cyber-attacks or any fraud, preservation of extracted evidence, analysis. Understanding, documentation which is restoring and generating important data to provide the sequence of activities involved in cyber fraud and finally, presentation of the extracted data to conclude the fraudulent event.

Cyber forensic teams espouse different tools for acquisition, identification and analysis data in cyber fraud incidents. These include forensic Software which is used to analyze and extract data from digital devices and networks such as EnCase, and X-Ways Forensics. Another tool used to crack the mystery of cyber-attacks is forensic Imaging which can create a bit-by-bit copy of a digital device or network Another name of this tool is as disk cloning or disk imaging. The Cyber forensic team uses forensic Analysis Software for analyzing the information from a forensic image. These tools are Sleuth Kit, Autopsy, and the open-source toolkit.

The main upside of Cyber forensics is to facilitate experts to remotely investigate the cyber-attack incidents happening in companies and scrutinize sensitive elements of crime scene through browsing history, business emails, or digital evidence. Cyber forensic teams face several challenges in acquisition and analyzing the data of cyber fraud. Major challenge is data encryption, Encrypting the data on electronic devices is a difficult process for cyber forensic experts to collate the evidence for fraud. Since cyber hackers are smart and destroy evidence of fraud through crushing the digital devices, the cyber forensic team has to adopt specialized data recovery techniques to investigate the fraudulent activities. Huge amount of data storage on digital devices is also a disruption in the investigation process in the cyber incident. cyber forensic team adopt specialized data carving techniques to uncover authentic data of cyber fraud from sheer amount of information stored in electronic gadgets, Cyber forensic plays a vital role in legal compliance and implementing auditing policies to maintain integrity of data


Cyber Forensics is a vigilant investigation process which supports companies to trace cyber attackers, refurbish lost data and prevent future data breach. Cyber forensic team locate exact issue of cyber mishap in companies and provide authentic evidence to legal authorities for further action. Cyber forensic experts are great shielding figures to uncover the range of cyber disasters occurring in companies.


Important note: Above article is based on environmental output and personal views of the writer. Any resemblance is just a coincidence. Writer is not responsible for any disagreement. 



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