Superimposed truth in illusionary world

Important note: Below writeup is solely the expression of writer and any resemblance is just a coincidence. Readers may differ in opinion. Writer is not responsible for any disagreement.

Tagline: Never crush strands of truth but superimpose it with another reality to retain its original traits.

Truth is an omnipresent metaphor of human existence that encounters rigid beliefs, irk moods, or compel to antagonize factual realities. Though consuming truth is awful but it has a magical power to release mental blocks and gain physical strength. Real events and facts assuage psychological burden and fear of punitive action from legal authorities.

In a fast-paced digital world, people are interacting in a virtual manner to chase their life objectives or perform important functions in daily life. Mostly, people have entered into fallacies and far away from the factual world. They explore everything on a digital platform which distort dogmas of life and emotional intelligence to crack tough and challenging issues.

Truth is knitted into various filaments like morality, justice, unity, success, freedom, love, security, equality, peace and spirituality which is needed for decent living.

Humans grapple for a range of quandaries when open for communication across the regional or national boundaries. Sometimes exposing the truth is very difficult for them to accomplish business or personal missions. Individuals can not survive on false podiums as its facts will be visible and devastate their regime. In the voyage of morality, superimposing truth with new facts in reeling the existing data may be a viable approach to retain a moral image among masses. Illustrative scenario is a moon eclipse which shadows the sparkling shine of the moon but cannot alter its property. In any factual graphics, concealing or wrapping with other truthful facts may be acceptable to others and do not reflect hurtful images or release bitter feelings that can mentally agitate the people.

Folks are tempted to narrate events and scenarios in fictitious ways to temporarily tune their life from running challenges or dark side of life. Once they face an intricate reality in dealing with tough glitches, they collapse or feel defamed that it is tough to lead life. Truth is stable and forms a noble persona therefore it should be presented using good reasoning to maintain harmony and dignity in family and social bonding.


Binding the strands:

Truth is a naturally occurring sensation which vibrates moral instinct in humans. In the illusionary landscape as a result of great technical innovation, individuals can represent their factual data intelligently through superimposing the facts to convince their morality. 



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