Noticing warning signals in ecosystem from crime to happen

Every day, we consume some dreaded news of accidents, sabotage and theft in media channels that really disturb our mind. Any mishappening with individuals derails normal living and it takes a long time to regain emotional and mental equilibrium. Shocking events directly wreck the mental condition of a person at physical, emotional, spiritual, or psychological level. As a result, people may feel threatened and sometimes lose their intellect to perform regular tasks. If the threatening event triggers suddenly, individuals are not well equipped to respond or create a support system to defend themselves. 

Strong self-defense systems and high mental alertness are the viable tactics to avert mild or severe criminal occurrences in our environment. Learning, educating self and observational skills play a great role to control the crime surrounding us. In our life, nature reverberates warning signals to sense the danger or threatening triggers in the environment. Individuals with logical reasoning must gulp the information, scrutinize the behavior of people around us while in a social setting and unearth the materialistic setup nearby.  

Realistic scenario: Mental dismantle of ambiance walled me from crime to happen:

That evening, I left home along with my 12 years daughter to buy medicines for my hubby as he was not well and there was an urgent need of medication to make his condition stable. As I was moving to a busy road crossing to reach a chemist shop, I saw two slim boys on motorbike wearing shaded jeans and helmets standing two feet far from my position. Though there was heavy rush due to evening hours, I observed they were closely looking at me.  At a glance, I thought it was normal but among the crowd, they kept their eye on me and irritated me. We hurriedly crossed the road and went to the chemist shop to get medications. When I turned towards the road, I again observed biker boys coming to my side and they were very close to me. Then my mind vibrated as I was holding a big purse that may be their attraction. I stood  for a moment and with sudden reflex action, I moved back towards the chemist shop. Shopkeeper realized that I was not in good shape so he just inquired about my worries. I wobbly told someone it was tracking me. Please arrange the cab for me at your end to protect me from any mishap. Shopkeeper immediately sensed the danger and he helped me in the booking cab and dropped me at the point from where I rode in a vehicle with my daughter and reached home safely. Still, I remember that helpful person and thanks to the divine for creating such a noble entity on earth.  

Strange actions or movements happen that may indicate danger in one’s life. Such scenarios may be wakeup calls to be alert in life and instigate a person's emergency mental gate to protect from any dreaded situations. These occurrences spread powerful messages to move into a safe zone. Whether it is family or workplace, individuals need to develop good observation skills to scan the ecosystem to sense the danger figure or threatening situations and explore prompt escape tactics to control the felonious intent of offenders. In the same vein, people must augment their reasoning power of individuals to comprehend the negative emotions, illegal actions, favoritism or manipulative techniques that can instigate crimes. When people do not respond in a positive manner, they show arrogance and are silent even in troubling situations, these may show the crime pointers.  We all should put our mind at vigilant mode in any situation to curb the crime. 

Writer’s voice: Defending self from crime to happen makes our life smooth and secure. Any troubling elements or strange behavior of persons may be a signal of criminal attack. When people are in public places, alertness, attentiveness and information processing ability will help them to stay safe.   

Important note: Above narration is based personal experience and reflects the analysis of writer on the topic. It can be referred as general overview. Readers are advised to contact professionals in case of any issue. Any resemblance is just a coincidence. Writer is not responsible for any disagreement. 


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