Assisting model for strangers: Psychological reasoning or upbringing phenomenon

Shielding strangers shove our soul to interact with divine forces.  Humans rely on people in their close and familiar network for risk free interaction. Strangers are sometimes visualized as a threatening agent in life because individuals do not have emotional or social connectivity. People hesitate to extend their support even in the crisis period with the fear of being exploited.

There are some groups in our social system that retain high moral values and noble thoughts. They gained ethical dogmas from the first learning platform, family and from school. Since childhood, family rules and good habits are taught to become a kind and gentle person and develop admirable presence among social networks. Such rearing practices empower teens or youth to become kind for others and guard needy or people with intense trouble. No matter if the person is known or a stranger. But, in a highly risky environment, people may be the target of cyber attackers or robbers who have the power to wreck their whole life. The driving force for highly disciplined and spiritually believers is their family mores and strong upbringing to help a person in a sorrowful state. Digitalization of resources and exploding the fraud cases lessen the helping instinct even if individuals are soft and principled. 

Altruistic behavior develops through sensing the danger for others and kindheartedness. Sympathy develops from decent upbringing and strengthens social bonding to feel good for others. With polite and soft behavior, people can penetrate the hearts of strangers too and understand the anguish.  Such positive thoughts propel people to alleviate their sorrow of strangers while traveling, visiting in shopping malls, meeting at hospitals or government corporations.

The heated issue arises whether we should help strangers to retain humanity. The answer may be yes but assessing the situation through psychological reasoning in a sensitive and risky ecosystem. We should monitor the steps and requirements of strangers, reason out why  they approached us and explore the safe way to assist the strangers.

Key pointers to assist strangers in distress or troublesome situations may lessen heightened stress, excel communication and boost self-confidence.

Psychological wrap up:

Help is the positive reaction of a person towards the sufferer. We are born with some positive traits and nurture with moral values to shape our lifestyle. Many of us extend support to strangers as we are brought up in a highly positive social environment. In a technically driven world, people are exposed to intimidating situations therefore it is imperative to act logically when helping strangers.  Ethical nature always equips a person to behave in the right direction and give hands to strangers to alleviate their mental and physical agony.

Important note: Above piece of writer is the inner words of writer Any resemblance is just a coincidence. Writer is not responsible for any disagreement. 



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