Bring up-to-date about health hazard of Teflon flu from nonstick cookware

In an easygoing life and technically coated environment, users are more excited to use simple and effortless kitchen utensils without knowing the hazardous impact of such products. Teflon flu or polymer fume fever is raising concern among the world populace. This new disorder grips people when inhaling fumes from overheated non-stick cooking utensils.

There are a range of utensils made from Non-Stick materials such as pots, pans, flat cookware that can lead to serious diseases. Teflon cookware is the first choice of consumers because it offers numerous benefits in the cooking process that include foods that cannot stick on the surface of pans, easy cleaning procedure and patients of heart and blood sugar diseases can cook food with less oil. Teflon coated cookware must be handled properly to give good health benefits and retain nutritive value of cooked food. If Teflon cookware is over heat, it emits toxic chemicals that can be dangerous for users. Food cooked at higher temperature may remove nonstick coating and people consume with food which may be risky and invite dreaded health disorders.  

Patients suffering from Teflon flu may complain of several health problems like common fever and chills, cough, chest tension, difficulty in breathing, headache, dizziness, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, muscle and joint pains while cooking food on nonstick cookware.

Some precautions for using Teflon coated cookware are to handle pans carefully, cook at low flame and replace the old, scratched, flaking Teflon coated utensils to stay healthy. When using nonstick pans, it is suggested to apply some oil before heating nonstick cookware to prevent overheating. Kitchen should be well ventilated when cooking on Teflon coated utensils.


A word of health alertness:

Innovation in cookware with Teflon coating allures consumers in hectic lifestyles. Companies offering numerous Teflon coated designer pans, deep frying cookware to prepare food in less butter or oil effortlessly. This nonstick cookware is not recommended to use frequently and cook the food at high temperature because fumes released during cooking results in Teflon flu. Food should be prepared at moderate heat for durability of Teflon coated utensils and safe for human health.

Important note:

Above article is based on environmental input and displays personal views of the writer. Information provided in the article is for general awareness.  Readers may approach health experts or medical professionals with chronic disease. Any resemblance is just a coincidence. Writer is not responsible for any disagreement. 




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