Natural cure for water crisis: Rainwater Harvesting

Water is the basic requirement for inhabitants. Today, there are rapid climate changes which result in increasing global temperature, and create shortage of water in several regions. The continuing dropping of water levels is a grave concern for environmentalists as it leads to scarcity of usable water and creates imbalance in salinity of the area. Rainwater harvesting is a viable procedure to deal with this water crisis. Rain water is the root source of water both on surface and underground level.

Rainwater harvesting is denoted as the collecting of rainwater, mostly on a roof, from where it flows through channels into a collection tank. It is basically a natural technique for a storage system. This could be either above or below the ground that collects, stores and distributes run-off of rain from roofs.

Rain water harvesting is done in the area where there is a crisis of water or water resources are scarce. It reduces the consumption of treated municipal water for uses such as landscaping, toilet flushing and laundry. This also reduces the need for well drilling and decreases peak stormwater volume.

There are numerous advantages of rain harvesting such as it is easily accessible. Low-cost solution of water supply and cost-effective maintenance. There is an ecological advantage of rain water harvesting. Storing water underground is environmentally-friendly. Storing rain water lessens the calamitic disaster such as flooding by channeling the off water into large tanks for reprocessing. It also helps in smooth functioning of drainage systems. It also decreases soil erosion. When rain water is collected in ponds or lakes, it prevents flow of storm water which helps in controlling urban flood.

In final words, Rainwater harvesting is an effective technique for storing rainwater during the monsoon season and using it during periods of water shortage. Water stored through rain water harvesting is for human use.



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