Shunting elevator traumatized mental accord (Based on true incident)

Tagline: Shunting elevator created horrific scene

In a busy morning, I just returned to home using elevator after exhausted long walk. Living as only couple, we are very punctual to follow healthy routine habits to avoid any health hazards. It was a time for us to take some energetic short meal to energize ourself. My hubby took sprouted pulses and I was enjoying almonds. Meanwhile we were gossiping and talking about our daughters living far away. My hubby just walked to the balcony to check the progress of vegetable plants grown in mud pots. Parallelly, I was preparing for breakfast. After cooking meals, I started cleaning the house from the living room. When I reached the front door of my house, I suddenly heard a roaring sound from outside. I got horrified and screamed. I called hubby with a scared voice. My hubby was in Balcony. He rushed to the main door and also heard a terrific sound.

At a glance we thought that at the ground floor, workers were handling huge utensils as a grand celebration in last night was held downstairs. But when we came out of the house, we saw my elderly lady neighbor standing near the lift and she was frightened because her son was trapped in the elevator which was creating violent sound. Elevator was just repaired a few days back and was working smoothly. Sudden shunting of elevator up and down triggered terror among us. My hubby hurriedly walked beneath floor where my neighbor’s father was standing and tried to explore ways to stop the lift but was unable to control the shunting of the elevator.

Elevator was going up to the third floor with ferocious noise and abruptly coming down to the first floor. The scene was horrific but a youth named Rocky trapped in the elevator was calmly standing and pushing buttons to stop the elevator. He tried pushing buttons for another floor but that did not work, He also tried to use the emergency communications equipment, or the "help" button letting someone know that he was trapped. But he could not stop the elevator. Then he stood up and was waiting for outside help.  In a minute, my husband went downstairs to call the caretaker loudly. Caretaker was far away and came fast to attend to my husband's concern. My husband loudly told the caretaker that Rocky was trapped in the elevator and it was shunting up and down. You just switch off the electric power button to stop the elevator. Caretaker rushed to the meter area to switch off the power button and then the elevator was stopped in between two floors.

Many residents gathered near the elevator to see what happened over there. Carefully, the shutter of the elevator was opened. One of the residents brought a stool on which Rocky put his feet to come out from the elevator. All the residents feared as with the anticipation of any major incident. It was found that a badly maintained elevator resulted in abrupt shunting between floors. It was assumed that the erupted issue was inflicted by poor setting in the electrical circuit or faulty electronic work. Elevator maintenance staff told the society Management team that the elevator is quite old and needs total replacement of all parts. Due to electronic failure, the elevator was shaky and jerky.

All residents complained to the society management team that proper maintenance and replacement of genuine parts in the elevator must be done to secure our life. Because, poorly maintained elevators can have serious repercussions in terms of loss of human life. The shunting of the elevator shook the minds of all residents. The only relaxing point was that Rocky came out safely from a poorly functioning elevator.

Important note: Above narrative is based on the true experience of the writer. Any resemblance is just a coincidence. Story is written for general awareness of readers.



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