Narsha in horror land (Sensational and Mysterious film story)

Just landing on the sandy region of one beautiful city of Asian country, Narsha (Female environmental research professional) was very enthusiastic. She went to a luxury hotel and took rest for one day. Meanwhile she surfed the surrounding city area and other natural landscapes to prepare background for her research on “whether natural forests and greenery has some supernatural instincts and how they impact on the living of human beings”.

Next morning at around 8 AM, Narsha left the hotel and moved forward to her mission of researching some fascinating facts of supernatural link in the forestry arena. While entering the forest by online Taxi, she picked edge details of all shrubs and grasses, ancestral trees as that region was rich in old natural landscape and dense woodland. Though many stories were aired on the linkage of forest and ghost entities that devastated human life, Narsha was ardent in exploring the true nature of supernatural disposition associated with remote land such as in forest or infertile arena on earth. After shooting the movie of that area, she returned in the evening to hotel. In the late evening, she was invited by city’s renowned social activist, “Harmaney Misheal” at dinner. So she went to her place and really rejoiced having delicious traditional meals.  Harmaney Misheal also discussed her mysterious project and told Narsha that she will get many surprises here as inhabitants are more conventional and have faith in ghosts and supernatural powers.


Next day, when Narsha was on the way to her mission, she observed some strange event in a nearby village. One middle aged female (Masley) was hanged on an ancestral tree in reverse manner (legs were up and head was down). She was surrounded by a large number of females wearing traditional dresses. Narsha stopped there to see what was happening. After some rituals, that hanging lady was given some vegetable seeds and her rope tied with a tree was extended and asked her to sow the seeds near the ancestral tree with her blood drops. That hanging lady (Masley) followed the instructions and sowed the seed while experiencing severe pain.  Narsha was stunned and shocked as to what type of ritual is this? Whether Masley is being punished or villagers involved in enhancing some supernatural power. Narsha could not go farther.  As she sensed that she has to resolve this mystery before going to her targeted research topic. Maybe her research solutions are engrossed in this event?


After rigorous mental discussion with herself, Narsha returned to the hotel and dismantled the strands of strange happenings of the village related to afflicted women.


Narsha already studied nascent paranormal literature that forest endowed with special supernatural power. She wanted to confirm that these events naturally occur and people experience such supernatural power. After thoroughly analysing the events, she interpreted that strange event was related to orthodox traditional concept and the victim was ill-fated women. Narsha was quite depressed and slept thinking about that woman. In the morning after having breakfast, she again started her journey to the forest. This time she alone went to a dense forest to discover some strange paranormal facts. Although typical trees, huts and stones were there but nothing unusual she could find. She returned back to the hotel in the evening as night time was not safe in the forest according to inhabitants.


She made notes on minute details of the forest and recorded everything in an online diary. Her project on supernatural instinct related to forestry became unsuccessful as she could not explore any major ground to explain paranormal entities in this connection. So she decided to leave this region and go back to native place. She also booked a return ticket for the next day. But when she woke up in the morning, she saw the devastating scene near the hotel. It looked like a storm came last night and destroyed the village badly. She thanked God for saving her as the hotel was not affected by the storm. But all the routes were blocked so that she had to stay there for time till all the things became normal. There was also a shortage of basic needs items. Hotel staff were arranging food and other items to make her comfortable. After two days, Narsha just came out of the hotel and started walking a mile. She was very upset about such a catastrophe in which many villagers had lost their lives. When she reached the river bank, she saw groups of village women walking near the river and making a typical sound. Narsha walked fast to ask what happened but one of the female of the group

 alerted her not to join them. But Narsha was curious therefore she secretly tried to observe what these folks were doing. All the women in the group took wooden lamps and slowly went into a tunnel one by one which was connected with the forest. Narsha also silently followed them. It was so terrifying that Narsha shivered as dragon shaped figures and ghosts were hanging on the upper part of the tunnel. These fearful objects had no connection with paranormal activity as Narsha thought.


After an hour, all the female villagers came out from the tunnel and prayed to God to save them from the ghostly entity. They were crying and shouting that they lost their beloved member. After 2-3 hours, all females went back to their home. Narsha also returned to the hotel. Situation became normal in three days and she was planning to return to her home country.


That same night, one female of that group who alerted her last night in the river procession, came to meet her and said to save them all. She said they were all innocent and living in a dangerous zone. Only you can highlight the case and protect our life. Narsha thought that it is an ideal time to comprehend the mystic situation and find some facts about her research topic. She accepted the proposal of that lady and promised to support the village ladies. Narsha arranged some safety items for her and after two days she went to the village head lady home. All ladies were happy and welcomed her. Group of ladies along with Narsha assembled beneath the ancestral tree of the village and discussed the orthodox nature of men in the same society. All the females were persecuted and tortured by men. Narsha told them these traditional thoughts about females being responsible for any bad happening is illogical. She said that we have to cleanse our mind and generate awareness about poor thoughts among male communities. It was not an easy task and male ego always interfered in modernizing the thought process.


Around the ancestral tree, some grasses and shrubs were grown that were sowed by ill-fated middle aged women, Masley. But that woman disappeared after that disastrous event. In this regard, all village females were silent. Narsha wanted to know the mystery of that event and torture of middle aged women but none of the females agreed to tell the truth.


Narsha thought that she had to know the deep secret of the ill-fated lady. She made a dangerous plan to wear a similar costume like Masley and secretly walked in mid night near the ancestral tree. After a five minutes’ walk on that place, she just sat on one bunch of grass.  Suddenly, she heard the blaring and loud sound of females and kids. It was so intense that the nearby area shook and all grasses and small plants were rashly moving.  Narsha stood up immediately and the sound was diminished.  She saw the brains of many people on the land and smoke was coming out from their upper brain with force and making a horror sound. Narsha was immensely frightened and couldn’t understand what went wrong in this land. She got terrorized up to an extent of losing consciousness. After 5-10 minutes, when she woke up, she was still exploring the causes of horror happening. It was 3.00 AM in the morning so Narsha returned back to the hotel after removing that haunted dress.


At the hotel, she could not be normal for an hour. She took a bath and ate breakfast. Took rest for two hours. After eating lunch, she came out of the hotel and decided to go to the tunnel side through a haunted ancestral tree (She gave it the name Haunted area). When she was passing through that tree, she became astonished and frightened to watch the scene. In the horror area of the ancestral tree, above the small plants, heads of females and kids were hanging like a flower garden. She screamed and fainted.


After returning to consciousness, she saw many village females were surrounding her and they were taking care of her. They offered water to Narsha. Narsha controlled her fear and drank water. All were asking what happened? But Narsha didn’t tell them the horrendous happening to them as she wanted to investigate at a deep level about such dreadful events.


Next morning she observed the hair growth in her hands and legs. She was worried about it. She decided to go to the tunnel to find the truth of horror events and the mystery of Masley. She took all safety products along with her and started the journey for her mission. Walking slowly on the muddy land of the tunnel, her boots were making a horror sound. She suddenly stopped, the sound stopped. It was just normal for her as Narsha was a scientific researcher and daring lady who liked to enjoy adventurous events. While further walking in the tunnel, she saw some grasses the same as in land near ancestral tree. Enthusiastically, she plucked one bunch of grass. A very loud, crying sound blew up that wobbled the walls of the tunnel and blood scattered on the land. It was flowing like sea waves. Narsha was frightened and went up to the end of the tunnel by swimming. In fact she took a bath with blood. At the end of the tunnel, there were three ways to go outside. One was to go to the top of the hill, another was to the dense forest and last one to a dangerous valley. She decided to go towards the valley side as it looked less challenging. There were a huge number of wild trees, pointed grasses, and strangely half women carved in red-colored stones in which some language was engraved. Narsha took snaps and sent them all to her email for back up. She was slowly going down and down on a very thin road with the support of a stick. The street was rounded and after 300 -400 meters, there were more red-colored stones in which half women were engraved. While walking, though she was horrified, she saw a giant stone cave with the carving of half women.  She was stunned but with safety tools she decided to go inside. When she entered the cave, she was amazed to see a number of tunnels opening and there were some echo sounds also. She was constantly shooting the scenes and trying to send to her mail but the signal was not there so email was not sent. With curiosity, she entered into one tunnel and started going down silently with a mobile torch in hand. Downstairs, there was a huge pond-like tank. It looked like a large number of living creatures or trees were burnt there. It was just like a massacre.  Suddenly she heard a human sound. She just hides behind the huge rock. What she saw was intolerable and horrified. Around 100 females were brought with their traditional dresses and were tied tightly with one another. They all were thrown into a huge tank which was one fourth filled with oil. And the head of all females was the queen of that area. They chanted some shlokes (Religious write-ups of God). All willingly sat on the tank and fire was lit by an unknown entity. Narsha could not see that one.  Within a few seconds, fire turned into dangerous flames and all women burnt alive. Narsha lost consciousness again.


After that no one saw Narsha in that region.

Few months later, the investigating team reached the Asian city and inquired about the great researcher, Narsha. Hotel staff and villagers told the team that one decent madam came. She was caring, intelligent and daring but one day she disappeared. Lordus darago, team head was collecting minute details of Narsha’s activities during his investigation.

To be continued….

Important Note:  This  story is penned by Ragini Sinha.  Any resemblance is just a coincidence. Writer is not responsible for any disagreement.


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