Reprogram your aging process to look younger

Human beings are living creature and passes through various stages in life cycle. Aging is the natural process as we get older. However, there are some complex biological functions that quicken aging such as glycation and over-oxidation of cells.

In numerous medical and psychological studies, it is found that as we grow older, our body changes in myriads ways such as greying hair and wrinkles. There is also weakening in physical stamina due to decreased bone mass, reduced metabolic rate, and functioning in all human organs.  Aging also impact on memory and concentration problems, increased reaction time, decreasing sexual activity, and greater susceptibility to emotional problems such as depression, anxiety and stress.

This quickening in the aging process is due to excessive intake of sugar, stress, and toxicity.

People must select nutritious foods in their diet to decelerate aging process. Some are mentioned below:

-      Green tea, white tea, oolong tea, rooibos tea, and black tea contain antioxidants called polyphenols that protect human cells from free radical damage.

-      Wild-caught fish provide anti-inflammatory omega-3 fats to slow the aging process.  Wild Alaskan Salmon contains unrivaled levels of Vitamin D and astaxanthin.  Both vitamin and astaxanthin are potent antioxidants to slower the aging process.

-      Green leafy vegetables are good sources to slower the aging process such as Kale, swiss chard, beet greens and spinach. These vegetables provide nutrients to support bone health, eye health, and even prevent cancer. 

-      Berries contain antioxidants known as anthocyanins which helps to maintain muscle and may prevent from cancer.

-      Many herbs and spices such as turmeric and garlic contain anti-oxidants and cleansing nutrients that can slower down the aging process.

It is highly important to know about the food items that accelerate aging and make humans weak.

If we have to set a clock of aging and look younger then we have to live a disciplined life. It is not advisable to consume huge quantity of refined sugar that promotes a process called glycation.  Glycation damages cells and causes wrinkles. 

-      Some grains if not sprouted can lead to glycation, which will expedite the aging process.

-      Trans fats and hydrogenated oils promote inflammation which may lead to early aging, heart disease, and certain types of cancer.

-      Alcohol is the worst hit drink that damages human body and a cause of aging. Though people can consume it occasionally in small quantity that may be beneficial for health as it has an important anti-oxidant known as resveratrol, but heavy consumption of alcohol is pro-inflammatory and speeds up the aging process.

Artificial sugar or other artificial ingredients, fast foods leads to fast aging as these contain huge number of harmful chemicals.

People are recommended to drink plenty of water to keep away from various diseases as well control aging.

Besides taking nutritious diet, good sleep is also required to remain healthy and decelerate aging.

To slower the aging, people must have to quit smoking and live in clean and hygienic atmosphere. It is good to take care of body and do regular massage to keep shining your skin.

For ladies, who do loud or bold make up frequently must remove their makeup before they go to bed. It is not just about hygiene and blocked pores but makeup also attracts pollutants through the course of the day and if left can damage skin and untimely wrinkles can be visible.

To reprogram aging process, the potent factor is to explore ways for happiness and stay connected with friends, colleagues and relatives. This will expand their knowledge base, generate desire to live and give some objectives to live in this world.   

Yoga practice is most effective  to look younger.

In digital epoch, people are more conscious about health and body changes and their ardent desire to look younger and beautiful than past time. It is due to multitudes of technical advancement in medical sciences and other areas which enable the people to enjoy the life and explore sources for comforts. Aging is law of nature that can be ignored but we as a human can try our best to remain healthy and active in order to pass good time during our lifecycles. With controlled diet, healthy habits, positive outlook towards self and regular exercises make us with impressive persona and declination in aging process.  


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