Alarming signal for heart attack due high blood pressure

High blood pressure is most commonly heard medical condition in our society. People take blood pressure lightly and continue to break eating rules, ignore precautions. Especially in special occasions like marriages, New Year celebration, birthday parties, normally it is a general thought that we are just taking for this moment and will not shoot up my blood pressure. In other words, they are ignoring their health hazards and inviting severe condition that can be deadly.

In today’s scenario, people are fond of eating as in mall culture, there is flood of junk food. Whenever we go for outing, we eat these foods without actively comprehending its dangerous consequences. These poor lifestyle silently attacks on our body system and we are thrown to medical emergency cabin. Among other deadly diseases, heart attack is shivering name for all of us. Though there are many causes of heart attacks, but high blood pressure is alarming signal and it must be taken seriously.

Hypertensive heart disease is a heart conditions instigated by high blood pressure. Medical studies have revealed that hypertensive heart disease is leading cause of death associated with high blood pressure. It denotes to a cluster of disorders such as heart failure, ischemic heart disease, hypertensive heart disease, and left ventricular hypertrophy.

High blood pressure brings on heart failure by causing left ventricular hypertophy, a thickening of the heart muscle that results in less effective muscle relaxation between heart beats. In such condition, heart functions are disrupted and there is difficulty to fill with enough blood to supply the body’s organs, especially during exercise, leading human body to hold onto fluids and heart rate to increase.

According to reports, the excess strain and resulting damage from high blood pressure leads to the coronary arteries serving the heart to slowly become narrowed from a build-up of fat, cholesterol and other substances that together are named as plaque. As arteries harden with plaque, blood clots become more likely to form. When an artery becomes choked due to an accumulation of plaque or a blood clot, the flow of blood through the heart muscle is interrupted, starving the muscle of oxygen and nutrients. The damage or death of part of the heart muscle lead to heart attack.

Major Symptoms of heart failure are as under:

Ø Shortness of breath
Ø Swelling in the feet, ankles, or abdomen
Ø Difficulty sleeping flat in bed
Ø Bloating
Ø Irregular pulse
Ø Nausea
Ø Fatigue
Ø Increased frequency to urinate at night

Risk factors for Hypertensive Heart Disease:
The main risk factor for hypertensive heart disease is high blood pressure. People are at high risk when:

v They are overweight
v They do not exercise enough
v They have smoking habit
v They eat high-fat and high-cholesterol foods

Important tips to measure blood pressure accurately:

-      Do not smoke or drink caffeine (for 30 minutes before).
-       Do not measure blood pressure when person is upset or in pain.
-      Empty bladder or bowel, if necessary.

-      Sit quietly with feet flat on the floor and back resting against the back of a chair or a firm surface for at least 5 minutes before measuring and during measurement.

-      Use the same arm each time. Remove bulky or tight clothing from arm completely.

-      Wrap the cuff tightly around bare upper arm (2 fingers should fit between the blood pressure cuff and arm). The edge of the cuff must be 3cm above elbow.

-      Place arm on a table or a firm surface. The cuff must be at the level of heart.

-      Do not talk or watch TV during the test.

At what stage, person suspect that he is undergoing heart attack:

When a person complains for pain or pressure in the chest then attends must suspect that it is a warning sign of heart attack. However, pain or discomfort in the arms, back, neck or jaw can also be a sign, and shortness of breath, nausea or light-headedness. If you experience one or more of these threatening signs, immediately call to doctor.
Person needs emergency care if his/her heart is abruptly beating rapidly or irregularly. People must immediately seek specialist’s care if they faint or have severe pain in their chest.

It is stated by medical professionals that men are more probable to get heart disease as compared to women who have not gone through menopause.

Level of blood pressure as recommended by American Heart Association:

Treatment for hypertensive heart disease depends on the seriousness of patient’s illness, age, and his medical history.

To prevent Hypertensive Heart Disease, it is necessary to monitor and maintain blood pressure.

Eating healthy foods will lower blood pressure and cholesterol and prevent heart problems.

It is recommended to maintain a healthy weight, getting adequate sleep, and exercising regularly.

We all know high blood pressure has dangerous health concerns. There is a need to make perfect plan for diet and daily exercise to maintain healthy body and remain free from disease.


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