Damaging nature of Neurological toxicity on brain functions

Brain is inhouse of a cluster of neurological functions in humans. Any foreign material or environmental pollutant that can threaten the brain grid has grave impact on the nervous system and hamper normal life of people. Some natural or manmade toxic substances considerably impair the brain or peripheral nervous system. This is termed as neurotoxicity.  These toxins can modify the nervous system which in turn destroy the nerves.  Neurotoxicity may attack the nervous system in different ways such as diminished cognitive function ataxia, incontinence, and degrade human living.

Neurotoxicity can have a severe detrimental impact on mental and physical health of a person.  Slight malfunction in nervous system damage can negatively impact on the cognitive functions of the brain such as impairing reasoning ability, diminishing memory power, interrupting in communication process, weakening motor function, and reducing the ability to focus on objects, and alertness. Major grounds of severe brain impairment are exposure to harmful chemical agents during early childhood such as lead, methylmercury, arsenic, polychlorinated biphenyls and ethanol. Children constantly inhaling neurotoxins may grip under serious and irreversible brain impairment. If the children with brain-destroying neurotoxins are not attended timely, they can have low IQ scores and certain behavioral problems in future.  

Preventive measures to lessen toxic load:

In today’s polluted environment, people cannot avoid toxics around them. There are several preventive measures to lessen the impact of toxic load:

It is always good to drink filtered and clean water to drain the toxicity. Another important point is to use proper and premium quality cookware to prepare food and strictly avoid non-stick pots and pans. cast iron, or other non-toxic options of cookware may be good for brain health. Instead of using plastic containers for storage, prefer to use glass jars to enhance the mental and physical abilities. If people are living in very old houses, try to invest money for renovation with proper ventilation to avoid mold growth. It will shield from respiratory diseases. People must develop the habit to use nature friendly items and avoid buying imported candies, food products containing lead. Key defensive tactics for neurotoxicity is to have good sleep, take nutritious diet, routine exercise and healthy social relationships.


Gist of Neurological toxicity as a serious medical condition:

A neurotoxin is a major threat to brain impairment. Regular exposure of these harmful toxins may have severe permanent damage in the central nervous system. In the modern world, people are living with toxic substances. Mild amounts of these chemicals can be digested by individuals but overload of neurotoxins may be life threatening. Healthy lifestyle and maintaining proper hygiene can reduce the chances of brain damage due to neurotoxins. 

Important note:  

Above article is based on environmental inputs. Any resemblance is just a coincidence. Writer is not responsible for any disagreement.


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