Cognitive Reserve is the mental healer to arrest age related health deficits

Cognitive disharmony is a kind of mental mayhem that troubles people to manage their daily routine. Brain impairment or stroke can disrupt cognitive functioning.  The major contribution of cognitive reserve is to fight against mental damage and improve cognitive ability to maintain good health.  In simple form, cognitive reserve elucidates the brain’s elasticity to deterioration. It has been found in several mental health reports that people who are active in social work, regularly engaged in physical exercise, and eager to widen their knowledge base education can augment cognitive reserve.

Cognitive reserve is a concept that indicates that individuals earn mental strength in the form of an array of cognitive abilities in their lifespan as a reserve that shield them from mental waning in later stages of life. These cognitive reserve increases resilience in person to deal with age related intellectual challenges. People may differ in developing cognitive reserve. Some people may respond well in the condition of mental deterioration due to aging or any serious ailment while others do not cope up with mental decline and grip serious psychotic syndrome such as altimeter disease.   

Several psychological reports posit that human intelligence and their life experiences play a dominant role in building cognitive reserve to deal with growing mental disorders that may interfere in normal life. Cognitive reserve can be enhanced through proper education, engrossed in occupation and constant participation in inspiring events and healthy social interactions. People can build good cognitive reserve through learning a new language or new skill, solving puzzles, and engaging in novel activities. Other major lifestyle changes like a nutritious diet, appropriate physical exercise, and quitting smoking will have wonderful outcomes in augmenting the lives of individuals.



Final assessment:

Cognitive reserve serves as a brain empowerment to disallow mental ailments caused as people enter into elderly phase.  It explores ways to improve cognitive functions in crisis conditions and build brain agility to resolve intricate problems and deal with life challenges. The main formula of cognitive reserve is to fortify the brain for cognitive activities to slow down cognitive decline which may be a consequence of any disease such as dementia or aging.

Important note: Above informative piece of writing is the creation of writer and data extracted from environmental input. Any resemblance is just a coincidence. Writer is not responsible for any disagreement. 


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