Mystery of breaking everyone’s head

 Tagline: Dismantling negative thoughts

Life is never easy for humans on this planet. Every moment, they encounter surprising challenges or attractive offers to rejuvenate their persona.  Positive and negative feelings bombard as they move forwards from one phase to another in their lifespan. Negative thoughts spin around and constantly hit the mental screen of people. To equipoise such piercing and frustrating feelings, individuals actively comprehend the nature of the negative thoughts or emotional state and crumble into pieces so that undesirable waves do not hit back to the brain.

Major triggers of negative thoughts that can have a roaring impact on the mind include Stressful happenings, comparisons on social media platforms, heavy workload in office or at home, and bitter relationships. Good understanding of these triggers is helpful to generate awareness and devise coping strategies to dismantle bitter feelings.

Individuals who are constantly wrapped with negative feelings or in depressive state try to exhibit their sorrow with intimate partners or close friends, spend time to fulfil their earnest desire or engross in the activity that soothes them, and remember people who blessed them in their hardships.

Sometimes individuals are so dipped in negativity that they lose their senses to think about the solution. In such conditions, they sternly need a wise mental healer to break the chain of negative thoughts that make their life hell. People having negative thoughts may develop new habits or create new ideas to lead their life. These steps may assuage their negativity and help in disappearing emotional crunch. In yogic literature, Pranayama and Meditation have magical outcomes to crush negative thoughts of people.

In a social scenario, dissembling negative thoughts of all individuals is the motto of moral pundits.


Condensed thoughts:

Brain is a controlling structure of the human body. In case of gripping under negative thoughts then individuals have to cautiously move to squash the incoming pessimistic and depressive data from the environment. In a downing state, people must comprehend the triggers of negativity and take appropriate action to save their mental energy for good health.



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