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In certain phases of lifespan, some influential persons leave a splendid impact on mental dais that last forever. Such an impressive persona sometimes enters in life and invigorates the emotional and mental state of the person. People, who modify their lifestyle, have the caliber to transmit supreme moral values, explain a lesson of honesty, and convey how to develop trust in others.

The simple person in my life was a professional who was my short time friend. He was very gentle, simple but highly knowledgeable, spiritual and adroit in time management. He displayed his compassionate feelings towards surrounding people including me and was respectful to all.  

During my office hours, I had to manage tough official projects along with daily activities including offering prayer to God. Sometimes, it was difficult to keep a balance between work and life. We often discussed our personal life during lunch hours. My friend politely showed his inner instinct that he can complete all tasks in a systematic manner.

One day we were discussing religious topics like normally people avoid spending time for God or for praying. Usually, this topic progresses when participants in discussion have interest. During discussion, we came to know that we both pray daily in the morning. My average prayer time was about half an hour.

When he informed me of his schedule then it was very much unbelievable and that transformed my life to some extent. My friend said that he remains busy during the day with office related work and in the evening, he was attending one part time class of professional education and further in the morning he was attending one more business session. So, we can imagine how busy he was. But the story does not end here. He told us the fact which was really unbelievable that such a busy person used to pray daily for 2 hours from 4.00AM to 6.00AM.

For me, it was really a hard slap on those people who are religious and eager to worship but do not pray on the plea that they don’t find time to pray. Further, it is a lesson for all the people, that time is always there if you are serious in something.

So, whenever somebody comes across to me and says I don’t find time to do the work or to pray then I always give this example which is inspirational for people.  

A word:

Noble people have power to transform the life of a person. They may be ordinary individuals who emerge from the satellite arena of society or appear unexpectedly to impress us and train us nobility and morality to live a poised life.

Important note:

Above article is based on true glimpses of an individual experienced in life and expressions of the writer. Any resemblance is just a coincidence. Writer is not responsible for any disagreement.  



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