Voyage of Swami Vivekananda in moral and ethical domain to bring social reform

Swami Vivekananda is a Charismatic social reformer through spreading moral trainings and ethical principles. Moral dogmas of Swami Vivekananda set an ethical dais and inspiration for global people to explore divine strength. He poured holy, principles values from his supreme mediating experience. Such miraculous and positive energies shaped him as a great philosopher, speaker, and fervent nationalist.

Vivekananda was a brainy predictor of Indian social situation. He closely visualized the cruel practices of social evils in culture due to lack of awareness among the populace and flawed education system in India. His teachings greatly transformed the views of people regarding acquiring education in academic period. He specified that “Education is the one that creates ‘humans’ and its character. People must not widen their knowledge base just to acquire academic standards but should understand the core values of life. He explained that education must be imparted in such a way that people learn good thoughts and truth of life to enhance their persona. Strong education system may nurture children in a positive direction and build decent human beings through crushing evil mentality of persons.

In his tenure, religious and moral values were tarnished. He is credited for initiation of Vedanta and Yoga around the globe and raised Hinduism as an important religion. He gained holy thoughts through hard meditating practices and ignited the mind of spiritually blind people with spirit, energy, bravery and stimulation.

Moral philosophy showered by Swami Vivekananda is a great lesson for people to enhance their living. He mainly focused on cultivating spiritual awareness and buried social evils that dishonored the weaker sections of society. Swami Vivekananda taught his disciples to embrace goodness, control the mind to gain strings of ethical standards, being truthful and selfless to transform life and secure future generations from unforeseen threats. He was a blend of holy qualities and famed as a patriot, Yogi and a saint in universe. He was a sincere promoter of promoting science and industrialization.


How Swami Vivekananda impacted my life:

Moral thoughts of Swami Vivekananda are engrossed in my brain and guided me in an intricate phase of life. Social reforming and ethical dogmas ignite my intellect to adopt healthy practices in maintaining the relationship rhythm in family and intact social relationships. Inspiring philosophies cultivated by Swami Vivekananda enabled me to become a wise decision maker in a convoluted or polluted environment such as being impartial to children and considering daughters as ours where male child is the dominant in family in our society. We rejected the rituals of “Kanydaan” during marriage of our daughters in Hindu marriage on the ground that daughters are biologically equal as boys. In Indian legal system, recently, Allahabad High Court has held that 'kanyadaan' is not compulsory for marriage under the Hindu Marriage Act.

Adopting the philosophies of Vivekanand, I feel that I have proximity with divine strength.

Inner thought for Great moral figure:

Swami Vivekananda chose the path of spiritual awakening to arouse moral dignity in public and brought revolutionary transformation in society to revitalize human living. 

Important note:

Above article is based on the inner views of the writer. Any resemblance is just a coincidence. Readers may refer to the texts for more information. Writer is not responsible for any disagreement.


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