Key role of supportive agents to shield person from toxic stress

Stress is commonly experienced by the majority of people in everyday tasks that can be manageable or tolerated up to some extent.  In extreme cases or if stress persists in daily routine, it may adversely impact on behavior, feeling and cognitive process of humans. Triggers of stress can be overwhelming and give birth to an array of grim psychological disorders. If such mental worsening conditions are not tackled by supportive agents or mental healers, people grip under toxic stress.

In early childhood, toxic stress may impair the cognitive development of a child and negatively impact on intellectual growth such as learning, understanding the concepts, and inability to take decisions and problem-solving behavior capability. In childhood, toxic stress can worsen mental health due to exposure to frequent stressful situations and lack of counseling or mental shielding from supportive agents or family members. The prolonged stress can lead to serious repercussions. Children living under hazardous environments without any buffering or caretakers may undergo toxic stress.  In the same vein, children who are ignored, face domestic violence, sexual abuse, emotional exploitation, living with seriously ill parents may experience toxic stress.

Constant exposure to toxic stress has resulted in long-lasting neurological and physical changes in children or adults. Children gripped under toxic stress may exhibit strong and negative emotional reactions. They cannot manage their aggression, control anxiety in a given situation and feel insecure in family and social relationships.  Toxic stress can also lead to inflammation in the body and disturb the immune system. In extreme cases, toxic stress may adversely impact the functioning of the heart.  

Common symptoms that can be categorized as toxic stress include headache, tiredness, muscle tension, stomach disorder, irregular sleep, feeling of restlessness, depression, Chronic pain, aggression, anxiousness, dejection, and social isolation.

In adulthood, some people undergo financial losses, separation from partner and excessive workload in office. Such conditions trigger toxic stress when people do not adopt coping mechanisms to reduce the stress level. Lack of support from mental therapists or poor coping skills impedes a person's cognitive power to deal with a threatening environment that induce toxic stress.

People who experience toxic stress can better manage their life through counseling from mental health experts or supportive agents in society, making good adjustments in relationships.


Toxic stress is an extreme psychological imbalance condition which can disrupt normal functions of life. Toxic stress is elevated in children who relentlessly feel ignorance, breathing in a threatening environment or exposed to family or social violence. Toxic stress can lead to irreversible damage to brain architecture and impair cognitive functions if they are not monitored under supportive agents or mental health therapists. 

Important note: Above mental health article is written on the basis of environmental inputs and displays the views of the writer. Information provided in the article is for general awareness. In any extreme mental health condition, it is recommended to consult a therapist. Any resemblance is just a coincidence. Writer is not responsible for any disagreement.


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