Precautions for females while traveling alone

In cut throat competitive business world, both men and women make frequent tours to meet professional needs. They work late night and this creates trouble for women. Females around the globe do not feel secure to travel alone or at night especially in developing countries like India. In Indian scenario, safety of working women is major concern. A recent survey revealed that majority of Indian women feel insecure living or traveling alone, or staying alone in hotels in India.  But females who travel oversees feel safe traveling or living alone in hotels.  Females usually experience grave problems like street sexual harassment, molestation, and stalking when travelling alone on Indian land.  Rape still is the wildest growing crime in India for women tourists. This corrodes the image of India at global scale in spite of its rich traditions and multifarious glorious customs.

While traveling alone, females can follow some safety guidelines to become secure in India:

When women are traveling for some projects of company to new city, she can ask her company to ensure her safety through making arrangements for stay in company guest house or recommended hotels. She can also find some reliable contacts to arrange accommodation in new city.  When staying in hotel, make sure that door has a latch or chain on the inside, and once she is hotel room, always keep the door locked and chained.  It is recommended that always carry a portable door-stop and use it at night or use some object such as a door stopper. Women also take precaution in her hotel stay while ordering food. She should not leave the door open for the service person to walk in.

Females planning to travel alone must Research their destination carefully.

When planning for trip, it is important to consider safety issue as a priority. They can spend more money on rental apartment or hotel to ensure safety. Though there may be mishap in luxury hotels but chances are very less as they charge more to offer security and excellent services to customers.

It is suggested to females that while traveling, please do not accept food and drinks from strangers especially in buses and trains.


It is advisable to women tourists who come from western countries that they should avoid all physical contact with men they have just met. In Indian culture, it is not suggested to give hugs. If they will use the traditional style of ‘Namaste’, there may be less chances of being persecuted. 

Women while traveling must take precautions when communicating with passengers and eye contact with strange men should be brief and never be close to them and disclose more information.

Another important safety tip for females travelling alone is the attire.  It is recommended to wear baggy dress and try to ensure that arms and legs should be covered.  This may help to avert male stares and persecution.

If there is no urgency, always, avoid travelling at night.  Women must take precautions while going by auto or cab such as note down the vehicle number or take snap of driver and sms to family members. In auto, sit near the door and if any man approaches to vehicle, just get out immediately.  When traveling in the evenings or going to unfamiliar places, it is wise choice to use public transport such as bus or train. During train journeys consciously observe the people in surroundings and if women feel uncomfortable, be alert. 

It is highly important to set boundaries with body language while traveling alone. It has been observed that men who are looking for an opportunity to make physical contact, will test female’s boundaries first such as sitting too close or touching hand. In India, girls are groomed in such a way that they often get frightened or scared and do not speak when something wrong goes. The rule of safety is for women is that if they are not comfortable, it is not O.K.  If men misbehave in crowded areas by touching hand, speak loudly and firmly using very straight language, “Do not touch me.”  But do not apply this rule in isolated place instead use mind, be calm and try to get away from that place as quickly as possible. These days some mobile application is also being launched by Mumbai Police to take their help in such situation. In emergency situation police should be called.

Females are advised to keep day bag while traveling alone and do not carry expensive items as these may be attraction of thieves. Do not wear costly ornaments while traveling. 

Women are responsible for their safety while traveling up to some extent. Above are few precautions. But in bizarre situations, they must use their presence of mind to come out from horrendous situation. It is advised to be self-reliant and well prepared in both crowded and isolated places.


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