Concern of growing white hairs in teens and youth

In the epoch of globalization, teens and youth folks are exposed to highly competitive business environment. It directly affects their health and gives birth to numerous ailments. The premature grey hair is a process where the pigment is not being formed from the cells which produce colour. The hair follicles contain melanin which is the one that gives colour to hair. Growing white hairs in adolescent and youth is general problem in present scenario.

 There are several causes of premature greying of hair. Intrinsic factors include Genetic defects, Hormones, Body distribution, Age. Extrinsic factors encompasses Climate, Pollutants, Toxins and Chemical exposure. It is necessary for people to monitor Thyroid Levels and check if it causes the loss of pigment in hair. Thyroid gland of humans has an impact on all the vital functions of the body. An underactive thyroid, or hypothyroidism, can result in premature white hair.


Health practitioners always recommend for taking balanced diet to maintain healthy life. Several diet-related factors affect growth and quality of hair health. Vitamin and minerals, especially vitamin B12, zinc and copper gives proper nourishment to the hair and assists metabolic processes to retain natural colour of hairs. If there is deficiency of these vitamins and minerals, it affects the hair colour. Deficiency of vitamin C and E turns into grey colour of hairs. 


Natural process to prevent premature greying of hair:


There are many natural remedies to prevent premature greying of hairs. Natural herbs are an excellent source of antioxidants mainly flavonoids which have multiple roles in pathologies to avert grey hair in youngsters.


It has been found that curry leaves proves to be best to increase the melanin production. The iodine and zinc and copper rich foods, especially the sea foods are also good to fight against the premature hair greying.


Another food item, Black walnuts is useful to maintain the hair black. Youngsters having white hairs must take plenty of food rich in Vitamin B12. It is recommended by Ayurveda doctors that combination of sesame oil, carrot juice and fenugreek seeds are used to prevent grey hair. Sesame oil and carrot juice is used in a ratio such as one cup sesame oil, one cup carrot juice and half the amount of fenugreek seed powder.


Amla is also useful for treatment of poor growth of hair and control greying. Since ancient times, females are using Amla to maintain good hairs. Soak dried Amla pieces in water overnight and apply it the next day. Massage Amla paste or Amla hair oil on scalp daily to get those shiny traces.

Fenugreek is used from earlier time to treat hair problems. This is an effective technique to get rid from grey hair. It is suggested to consume adequate amount of fenugreek sprouts daily. Fenugreek paste is also applied on the hair to prevent premature grey hair.


Ghee is also old age remedy to prevent greying of hairs. Ghee also give shining look to hair. Massage your hair with clarified butter two times a week.


Other food items such as Onion is also beneficial to prevent greying of hairs. Before taking bath, apply onion juice on hair scalp and put it on for about 30 minutes. Rinse hair accompanied by shampoo.



Lime Juice and Coconut Oil is marvellous combination to premature greying of hairs. . Coconut oil gives natural nourishment to hair. It nourishes skin, stimulates hair growth and helps to fight against the fungal infections. For using this combination, mix coconut oil and small amount of Lemon juice together. Apply in hair and massage your scalp thoroughly with the figure tips.


Healthy Vegetables for Hair Growth:

1.      Spinach

2.      Carrots

3.      Onions

4.      Tomatoes

5.      Garlic

6.      Cucumber

It is well understood that premature greying of hair is mainly due to an erratic lifestyle and stressful state while working. Though greying of hairs are irreversible process but improvement of malnutrition through proper nutrition, can avert it. Many health practitioners have advocated that intake of nutritious diet, maintaining proper hair and scalp hygiene and de stressing activities are useful for healthy hairs.


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