Video games augment creativity in humans

There are numerous heated dialogues regarding effect of video games on human’s mental health. Abundant of researches found that video games invigorate players and facilitate a positive mood that augment creativity.

With regard to children that play excessively video games, may help to develop problem-solving skills. Games that designed for players to search negotiate, plan various tactics in order to advance to a new level, and implement strategies which can help improve children's brain development. The process of understanding game rules and learning by doing provides children with essential decision-making skills. 

These games also develop creativity and children have many options to modify and select character personalities in video games, allowing them the opportunity of self-expression. Some video games also permit children to design and interchange maps or other custom content, help them sharpen their creative and technical knacks. Researchers have also indicated that Video games require hand eye coordination and fine motor skills which a three year old cannot perform. He will also not be able to read the menu options which may appear on the game screen. He will also have difficulty to connect what his fingers do with what happens on screen. Therefore it is important to select suitable video games for kids.

Open-ended video games and other interactive media available online allow youngsters to increase problem-solving skills. Adults can learn to crack puzzles by trial-and-error.  At the same time, these interactive games also improve creativity which is highly important for successful and creative professionals to boost their career. Many researchers have discovered that action video gaming enhances performance on the capability to locate quickly a target stimulus in a field of distractors. It improves ability to track the moving objects in a field of distractors.  Action games enhance skills of children and adults to keep track of a set of moving objects that were visually identical to other moving objects in the visual field. A number of attentional processes are influenced by action gaming.

Psychological studies have signified that video games also improve job performance, especially for jobs that require good eye-hand coordination, attention, excellent working memory, and quick decision-making. For example, young, inexperienced surgeons who were also keen video gamers outperformed the most experienced surgeons in their field.  Some medical studies have found that trainee surgeons who were provided with experience in video games had improved their performance in laparoscopic surgery compared to surgeons who did not have that experience.      

Though, many researchers opined that video games are indeed perilous because they are meaningless and just waste of time. They stated that such games motivates person for anti-social behaviour and have negative impact of the health of children due to with violent content embedded. It is also observed that people or kids who are addicted to video games are isolated from society which may create other issues, like for kids, they may not complete homework and for adults, they may have less interaction with family and friends. Some have opinion that video games promote social activity and teamwork. These games allow parents and their kids to play together and may develop strong bonding.

It has been observed that mostly, gamers play video games just for enjoyment and to help improve their mood. Along with disturbance from real-world problems, gaining success in video games can enhance mode and develop positive feelings. Depressed people may lessen anxiety, and becoming more relaxed after playing these games.

The gist of this debate in writer’s opinion is that playing video games for limited time is the best way to excel performance at work, enhance problem solving skill and develop creativity. Video games are outcome of unparalleled technological innovation. It offers a positive aggression outlet for players. According to many researches, games that evoke stressful events are a beneficial tool to deal with real world situations, and allow the brain to take quick and wise decisions. The hectic schedule of office work may hassle people therefore video games serve as an energizer to elate their mood.


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