Hypnotic ground for Modiji’s Hetrick in Indian political battle’ 2024

Important note: Below are not the words but the inner voice of the writer to salute splendid traits of Honorable Narendra Modi ji for good triumph in Lok Sabha election’ 2024 and his great contribution for rolling India as a giant democratic face in the world. 

A prominent political leader, blended with spiritual instinct and persuasive global presence are some of the supreme qualities of Narendra Modi ji.

In Indian political skirmish, Modi ji devoted himself to the transformative efforts of the general public. He strongly stated his stand towards the country and effectively conveyed about his achievements to build digital India, changing female living and infrastructure development. Modiji  plans ahead for any upcoming political scenarios. He entrenched himself in political campaigning with miraculous speech to convince voters to be inclined toward him.

He submerged into meditative Ambit and elevated himself from success and failure. He is a sincere follower of Swami Vivekanand. In his speech, he extended the philosophy of Vivekanand. He said harmony and peace is the basis of social stabilization. His vision for incalculable country progression glorifies prosperity of Indian citizens through diminishing poverty.

Incredible endeavor of Modi ji in cultivating political morality and human ethics is sowing seeds of unity in all parts of Indian territories. He brilliantly connected south to north and other regions to convey the catchphrase of “Indians have a spectacular power as a whole” (Writer’s opinion for Modi ji). He arranged the resources for Indian citizens to wander in any terrain of the country to display their knack or impart spiritual creeds. He respected the religious feelings of the populace with different cultures and got huge recognition. Modi ji is emotionally associated with the heated women issues in the country and created brainy strategies for emancipation of the female community. Examples of triple Talaq can be cited here. To empower females and other weaker sections of society, UCC bill is in the pipeline to drastically change the status of Indian citizens.

In a sweltering political battle in Lok Sabha election’ 2024, Modiji’s calm and patience qualities drifted towards victory. The knack of Modi ji proved to be a wonderful gain in politics for national interest. In the Lok Sabha election’ 2024 in India, Modi ji was the visible face. BJP party leaders and workers were assured to get sweeping victory under the shed of Modiji but the party as a whole have to change this mindset and invest their energies for the progress of the country at ground level. In some states, there was a major setback for BJP in political fights with opposition, for example defeat in Ayodhya which was made a religious destination for world devotees. In spite of implementing highly supportive schemes, colossal infrastructure development and employment generation in some terrains of India, BJP declined its political graph. It hammered leaders of BJP and posed a heated challenge.  The BJP party must explore the deep-rooted causes and invigorate political agenda. There is a need to pour sincere contributions to comprehend the nerve of the public and emerge as a giant political power to chase futuristic vision.

After elected as NDA alliance leader on 7th June’ 2024, He spoke that It is an organic alliance which will dedicatedly work together for the development of India. Narendra Modiji took oath as a Prime minister on India' 9th June' 2024.


Key highpoints of Modiji’s dogmas in Indian Political domain:

Narendra Modi Ji skillfully won the tough political battle of Lok Sabha election 2024 with thumping majority in some states of India to retain the democratic doctrine in India. Third term victory of BJP in Lok Sabha elections over the opposition alliance has left a noteworthy impact on the world political system.  At every stage of the election procession, Modi ji was pierced for gamut of human, social and political glitches. He firmly faced the swelling challenges and with his brainy tactics, defeated the unfriendly missions of political rivals which may threaten the lives of the Indian general public.  He has a gem to create “shining India” at the global podium.

Disclaimer: Above article is based on the inner views of the writer. Any resemblance is just a coincidence. Writer is not responsible for any disagreement.



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