Destine indicators for mounting life expectancy of senior citizens


Inner catchphrase of writer:

“Stopping your dreams, desires will sluggishly dump you to death well. To catch your life, blossom new flowers in mind, cultivate your ambitions through chasing superpower that is embedded in every human cell”.

Older adults usually consume depressive energies and think that they are walking on the dark, scary road turning to a cloudy zone. In revolutionary cutting-edge technical cosmos, human survival traits have been transformed. Longevity is an upshot of various lifestyle influences counting genetics, routine choices, healthcare management, hygienic environment and fiscal status.

 In the present progressive era, life expectancy for aged folks revealed astonishing facts. It is a ubiquitous phenomenon that humans cannot scuffle with their destiny. This dogma can be modified in a technical led environment. Numerous factors are responsible for increasing or declining the graph of life expectancy in older people. Though people gripped with multiple chronic ailments such as diabetes, kidney disease and heart disease are threatened and assume low life expectancy. These are just temporary physical risk that can be curbed through mental strengthening, spiritual awakening and boosting will power. Medical advancement has provided amazing solutions to the critical life-threatening diseases and increases the life expectancy of seniors.

It is observed in natural scenarios in several countries that people who are inclined towards spiritual beliefs may retain excellent physical and mental health which leads to longer healthy life. Spiritual immersion is the excellent path to ease psychological worries of life and broaden social networks for joining religious groups. Older adults may choose spiritual practices to discover the untouched concepts and deep-rooted purposes of life. It will help in regaining the strength of mental and physical health, boost confidence level, and equip seniors to survive in a risky environment.

Spiritual beliefs can be toughened through proper guidance from saints, intellectuals or religious genius which may be fruitful to cope up with intense stress, trauma, or loss of beloved ones. These inner spirits and devotion towards supernatural power may augment life expectancy. Believing in destiny is also a decisive factor for longevity because aged people may feel energetic when they comprehend the good or bad phases of life and appraise that their deeds may lead to a shining journey. Such a positive outlook may contribute to longevity.

To put light on spiritual and religious creeds, older adults are enthused to adopt hidden strands of supernatural power which may prove to be healing therapy for a range of old age health issues and lessen the risk of early death.

Devoutness brings coziness, hope, and inner peace, nurturing a positive viewpoint towards life that is the basis of longevity. Contrariwise, social isolation and loneliness are the major causes of high mortality rate in older adults. Healthy lifestyle and inclination towards meditative practices may increase life expectancy in the elderly and empower them to fight with multiple deadly diseases.

 A word for seniors:

Dusk in the life ladder is horrifying and lowering the self-confidence in humans. The good news for older adults is that they can revive their mindset and tune their routine to increase life expectancy. In greying age, people must embrace naturally rich ingredients to boost their physical wellbeing and motivate themselves to engross in divine practices to awaken their  strong mental points to tackle uproars of life and gain inner peace and comfort which can convert into longevity.

 Important note:

Above article is based on the inner views of the writer. Any resemblance is just a coincidence. Writer is not responsible for any disagreement.



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