Immerse yourself to reveal the inner thoughts during strong storm

Nature astonishes humans with massive hazardous attacks. Strong storm is a long-lasting wind storm combined with fast moving showers or cloudbursts. When a storm hits, people may experience inner struggle and develop negative thoughts. Emotional turmoil is common in children as well as adults when exposed to the roaring sound of a strong storm.  

Major weather swings in surroundings and howling noise of winds and heavy destruction may destabilize mental function. Person who experiences a heavy storm may undergo extreme stress and weaken the immune system especially for people suffering from diseases.  The intensity of storms unfavorably impacts on the thought process, decision making power and inability to protect from typical ferocious sounds in the environment. During the lashing storm, inhabitants are still not able to convey the inner expressions and are so fearful that they do not call for help. They get trapped in extreme weather conditions and feel that life is drowning with winds or thunder and they will never meet their loved one’s again in this life.

strong winds, barrage and tornadoes turn violent to terrorize humans living in specific dais. Turbulence produced by cruel storm conditions leaves a feeling of dejection, threat to survival and separation from near ones. After the suppression of the volcanic storm, people feel stunned, experience their body is moving and suffer a range of psychological problems. People passed through a strong storm may display numerous physical signs that include headaches, muscle tension, insomnia, lack of attention and nausea.

Not everyone is scared of strong storms. Some folks who live in highly protected and safe houses may enjoy experiencing the harsh sound of thunder, the blazes of lightning or the growl of the winds. Hurricanes have continuing severe impacts on living of people mood disorders, post-traumatic stress, sleep disruption and in some cases suicide.

In lively illustration, people living in suburban areas of one Asian country were more prone to extreme weather conditions. Houses were built there to protect inhabitants from any physical damage. Still, people were always fearful especially in the winter season. One ill-fated night, a violent storm hit the territory and Shaked the whole colony. In one house, only two children were residing as parents were out of town for some important work. They woke up and screamed, help us. But no one came as the storm was at the peak. One child just sat under the bed and fainted. His sister was holding the pole near the closed courtyard and shivering. They both smelled soil flying around the house, and saw trees were wrecked. Such horrendous scenes put them in mental shock.  After the storm passed, both children revealed their sorrow, stress, feeling of insecurity and took time to become normal.

Hurricanes or any extreme weather conditions trigger unforgettable experiences for storm survivors. images of flattened buildings, uprooted trees, and flooded streets results in mental uproar in people living in storm hit areas. Preparedness for strong storms, familiarity with digital technologies and strong social networks are the tonics to cope up with the chilling atmosphere.

Touchdown thoughts:

Weather conditions may be speedily changeable with extreme activities in natural environments. The backlash of strong volcanic storms may ruin the mental state of humans. People experience high level stress, anxiety and are physically feeble when trapped in strong storms accompanied with roaring winds, flashes of thunder and heavy raining. 

Important note: Above article is created on the basis of environmental inputs and expressions of the Writer. Any resemblance is just a coincidence. Writer is not responsible for any disagreement.



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