Discover reverse gear in life to fulfil unexecuted ambitions

Ambition are basically a strong desire to attain success, power, or wealth. The main aim of person in life is to chase his/her dream, because an ambition can be linked with a dream.

In early stage of life, individuals face number of problems and their dreams are not satisfied. The reasons may be lack of experience, knowledge, fund scarcity, or sometimes due to not getting social appreciation. Therefore their ambitions are not fulfilled which result in emotional disturbance and many times may create sorrow and dullness in life.

People who could not get chance to realize their ambitions in early stage of life may work out at later stage and try to chase those unfulfilled ambitions with resources available and through rich experience of their life. These ambitions may be like participating in music concert, organizing business conference, celebrating giant parties on special occasions.

In a lively instance, a female approaching to late 50s was enthusiastic for celebrating her special moment of life and gain recognition among family members in order to get self-satisfaction. It was her dream since early childhood to look gorgeous and leave extraordinary impression on her surrounding people. In embryonic stages of life, she dressed up simply, showed shyness and could not expressed her inner feelings to make her persona dazzling. It had several reasons. People always thought about her as a dull or average girl who can do just normal things and not professional. At early stages, she did not have resources like money, supportive persons, enough experience to chase her unimaginable dream. It really hurt her and she had a dream to make her persona magnificent.  As time passed, she faced ups and down in life. Gradually, she was adept to boost mental aspects of life and learnt to team up the folks. On special day in late 50s of her life, when she went for dining out in glittering attire in grand restaurant, surrounding folks were magnetized to her family  and made her special moment unforgettable with surprised celebration. It was really great and enjoyable experience for her. She gained self-power that pushed her to live quality life. In thanksgiving note, she wrote that when people do not chase dream in young age, they can watch her video in which her special moments are captured and she discovered reverse gear to chase unexecuted ambitions and boosted self-satisfaction.  Therefore we must have to make efforts to make our life blissful.

Gist of this write up is that ambition is a passion that never let people to go down in the life because it is the solid ground for living in materialistic world. It may become cause the downfall of the people when it is raced through wrong way in early phase of life. But in the dusk of life, people have experience, affluence and they can learn to fulfil their ambitions. Therefore their mind turn young and become driving force to live pleasurable life.


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