Maintain work life balance through wise planning

A ‘work life’ balance is an ability of personnel to maintain a healthy balance between their work roles, their personal responsibilities, and family life. Presently, corporations are progressively recognizing the significance of helping their employees to attain this balance because as employees have more conflict between their work and personal roles. Clash between employees and work commitments augment stress.

Another factor which create trouble in work life balance is the shifting landscape in work environment. Today in cutting age competition, most of the companies adopt advanced technology and move into globalization and task of employees is not limited to specific region.  Personnel can work from any location with technical mechanisms like laptops, tablets, and smart phones. Software engineers can access work emails and assignments 24/7. Though technical modernization offers sparkling benefits, and flexible working pattern, still it can pose the risk of distorting between work and personal life. Cab facility is also a wonderful option for software engineers to maintain healthy work life balance.

If proper balance between work and personal life is not made, it unfavourably impact on personnel as well as on the output of businesses. Stressed employee may exhaust while doing project work and it leads to lower productivity at work, major health problems and absenteeism. Additionally it may result in poor personal and co-worker relationships and reduced job satisfaction.

According to management experts, multinational organizations can resolve such issue by helping their employees in their personal problems. Companies can implement strategies like setting employees flexible working hours to design their work pattern. This may lessen, conflict between work and personal responsibilities. Flexible working options include allowing employees to work from home, adjust their working hours to meet personal commitments, use remote working, compressed work weeks, and job sharing. Management team must inspire employees to use annual leave. Currently, organizations are also implement wellness programs, which include offering stress reduction and time management workshops to ease employees and comfortable at work.  

To condense the facts, it is well realized by organizations that an employee’s gratification in their personal life and their ability to meet personal commitments immensely affects their career growth and high yield for company. Therefore, organization put great efforts to assist employees to attain a good work life balance, increases work satisfaction, upsurges their loyalty to their employer, and helps employers to accomplish career permanency.


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