Honesty is the keystone of decent life

We normally heard or guided by parents and elders that honesty is dominant principle to live superior life. In contemporary world, honesty is in diminishing trend. Not all but people are become dishonest in some or other ways.

There is solid basis of declining the honesty. Today people have poor lifestyle. Some people are lazy and want to enjoy lavish life therefore they choose dishonesty to fulfil unrealistic expectations of their life. Others who jump into dishonesty land are not talented to fulfil their life goals. Peer pressure also lead to leave the path of honesty. Some people are acquisitive and to earn huge money to fulfil their desire. Financial crisis also motivate people to become untruthful. Immoral grooming also lead to deceitful persona.

Presently, ethical behaviour of an individual is slightly difficult because of low morale of society. For example, journalists indulge in flashing fake news, paid news and as a result they do not display good image in public. People normally consider give and take policy as an accepted norm.

When assessing the psyche of people in contemporary period, it is revealed that today people are not very honest. Many individuals follow lying practice in their routine. It is a poisonous worm which is slowly killing human civilization and future outcome may be devastating.

There is no harm to embrace honesty. After a lot of struggle, the ultimate result may be welcoming and satisfactory.

In a real life example, one unknown scientist followed honesty dogmas. He researched many scientific facts in globe but his extreme efforts were named by other cheaters and they got fame for exploring scientific principles of that scientist. Scientist became demoralized and left the place. Still he was honest to his duty. With age, he was involved in his family though sometimes frustrated but trying to cope up with reality of life. When he entered into greying age, he became very happy and lived normal and hassle-free life because he did not have any ground of cheating others, not a guilt of doing wrong. These feelings made him emotionally strong and his physical health was also good. And he died peacefully. People remember his great policies of life and his honesty. They complemented that they lost a great scientist. It is a decline of scientific ability at global level.

The intent of writing this article is to generate awareness for dangerous consequences of choosing the path of dishonesty. It is very easy to be deceitful and achieve short-term goal or momentary pleasure but in long run, people may face irreversible emotional and physical damage.  Honesty has strong mental, physical and spiritual strands that make people healthy and to lead ecstatic life. Individuals with honest feelings do not have any fear of being threatened. They live free life, have confidence, self-respect and get real gratification and achieve self-actualization. We should make extreme efforts to win the honesty in our surrounding.


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